
The word “abolish” has 3 syllables: a-bol-ish.

It's pronounced as /əˈbɑlɪʃ/.

What is synonym and antonym for abolish?

In the thesaurus, “abolish” has 20 synonyms and 20 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for abolish along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for abolish

  • abrogate
  • annul
  • cancel
  • destroy
  • dissolve
  • eradicate
  • erase
  • nullify
  • overthrow
  • overturn
  • prohibit
  • put an end to
  • repeal
  • rescind
  • revoke
  • set aside
  • stamp out
  • suppress
  • terminate
  • wipe out

Antonyms for abolish

  • allow
  • approve
  • build
  • conserve
  • create
  • enact
  • establish
  • fix
  • found
  • institute
  • lay down
  • legislate
  • make
  • pass
  • permit
  • preserve
  • protect
  • sanction
  • save
  • validate

Meanings of abolish

  • verb
    1. To end a law, system, institution, custom or practice.
    2. To put an end to or destroy, as a physical object; to wipe out.

Example Sentences

  • The government made a historic decision to abolish slavery.
  • The committee proposed a bill to abolish outdated laws that no longer served the community.
  • The company decided to abolish its traditional hierarchical structure in favor of a more collaborative approach.
  • The school board voted unanimously to abolish the dress code policy.
  • The reform movement aimed to abolish discriminatory practices in the workplace.

On this page you'll find 40 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to abolish, such as: abrogate, allow, annul, approve, build, cancel, conserve.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abolish
  • avoid
  • cancel
  • decrease
  • deduct
  • deprive
  • diminish
  • dull
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • overturn
  • recede
  • reduce
  • repeal
  • slacken
  • slow
  • strip
  • subside
  • subtract
  • taper
  • taper off
  • wane


  • abolished
  • blended
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • decreased
  • deducted
  • deprived
  • diminished
  • discounted
  • eased
  • fell
  • lessened
  • lowered
  • reduced
  • repealed
  • stripped
  • subdued
  • subsided
  • subtracted
  • tempered
  • thawed
  • weakened


  • abolishes
  • cancels
  • decrease
  • decreases
  • deducts
  • depletes
  • deprives
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • dull
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • recede
  • reduces
  • repeals
  • slacken
  • slow
  • strips
  • subside
  • subsides
  • subtracts
  • taper
  • taper off
  • wane


  • abolishing
  • avoiding
  • canceling
  • cancelling
  • collapsing
  • declining
  • decreasing
  • deducting
  • depriving
  • descending
  • diminishing
  • ebbing
  • encouraging
  • lowering
  • moderating
  • overturning
  • plunging
  • reassuring
  • reducing
  • refreshing
  • repealing
  • sliding
  • soothing
  • stripping
  • subsiding
  • subtracting
  • tumbling
  • waning
  • weakening


  • abolishment
  • abrogation
  • annulment
  • cancelation
  • cancellation
  • destruction
  • dissolution
  • elimination
  • eradication
  • nullification
  • overthrow
  • repeal
  • revocation
  • termination
  • withdrawal

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