
The word “abolished” has 3 syllables: a-bol-ished.

It's pronounced as /əˈbɑlɪʃt/.

What is synonym and antonym for abolished?

In the thesaurus, “abolished” has 19 synonyms and 17 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for abolished along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for abolished

  • broken
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • collapsed
  • dead
  • demolished
  • destroyed
  • devastated
  • eradicated
  • erased
  • lost
  • obsolete
  • ravaged
  • repealed
  • ruined
  • shattered
  • smashed
  • wasted
  • wrecked

Antonyms for abolished

  • built
  • constructed
  • created
  • enacted
  • established
  • fixed
  • formed
  • founded
  • instituted
  • laid down
  • made
  • preserved
  • protected
  • repaired
  • saved
  • sober
  • successful

Meanings of abolished

  • verb
    1. To end a law, system, institution, custom or practice.
    2. To put an end to or destroy, as a physical object; to wipe out.

Example Sentences

  • The government abolished the outdated tax law to stimulate economic growth.
  • Slavery was officially abolished in the country after decades of advocacy and struggle.
  • The dictator's regime brutally abolished freedom of speech and assembly.
  • The company's new policy effectively abolished the use of single-use plastics in its operations.
  • After years of advocacy, the community finally saw the unjust practice abolished.

On this page you'll find 36 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to abolished, such as: broken, built, canceled, cancelled, collapsed, constructed, created.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abolished
  • blended
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • decreased
  • deducted
  • deprived
  • diminished
  • discounted
  • eased
  • fell
  • lessened
  • lowered
  • reduced
  • repealed
  • stripped
  • subdued
  • subsided
  • subtracted
  • tempered
  • thawed
  • weakened




  • abolished
  • damaged
  • demolished
  • destroyed
  • disintegrated
  • eradicated
  • erased
  • exterminated
  • extirpated
  • mangled
  • mutilated
  • ruined
  • wiped out
  • wrecked


  • abolished
  • annul
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • clamp down on
  • crack down on
  • crush
  • invalidate
  • overrule
  • overturned
  • put down
  • quell
  • quelled
  • repeal
  • repealed
  • repress
  • rescind
  • reverse
  • revoke
  • set aside
  • squash
  • squelch
  • subdued
  • suppress
  • suppressed
  • undo
  • vacate
  • vacated
  • veto
  • void

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