
The word “abscond” has 2 syllables: ab-scond.

It's pronounced as /əbˈskɒnd/.

What is synonym and antonym for abscond?

In the thesaurus, “abscond” has 3 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for abscond along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for abscond

  • escape
  • flee
  • fly

Antonyms for abscond

  • abide
  • dwell
  • linger
  • remain
  • stay

Meanings of abscond

  • verb
    1. To flee, often secretly; to steal away, particularly to avoid arrest or prosecution.
    2. To withdraw from.
    3. To evade, to hide or flee from.
    4. To conceal; to take away.
    5. To hide, to be in hiding or concealment.

Example Sentences

  • The thief attempted to abscond with the valuable artwork.
  • The prisoner managed to abscond from the prison during the chaos.
  • He planned to abscond with the company's funds but was caught before he could do so.
  • The cat would often abscond with small objects and hide them under the bed.
  • The suspect was apprehended as he tried to abscond from the scene of the crime.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to abscond, such as: abide, dwell, escape, flee, fly, linger, remain.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

taken a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bailed
  • depart
  • departed
  • desert
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dug out
  • dump
  • escaped
  • escort
  • evacuated
  • fled
  • give up
  • go
  • gone
  • gone off
  • got off
  • gotten
  • gotten off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moved
  • parade
  • peeled off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulled out
  • pushed off
  • pushed on
  • quit
  • quitted
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • run along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • taken off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walked out
  • wander
  • withdraw

takes a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bails
  • bugs off
  • bugs out
  • cuts out
  • depart
  • departs
  • desert
  • digs out
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dump
  • escort
  • gets off
  • give up
  • go
  • goes
  • goes off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moves
  • parade
  • peels off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulls out
  • pushes off
  • quit
  • quits
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • runs along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • takes a powder
  • takes off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walks out
  • wander
  • withdraw

taking a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dump
  • escort
  • evacuating
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moving
  • parade
  • peeling off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • running along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • taking off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walking out
  • wander
  • withdraw

Word List