
The word “absolving” has 3 syllables: ab-solv-ing.

It's pronounced as /əbˈzɒlvɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for absolving?

In the thesaurus, “absolving” has 19 synonyms and 26 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for absolving along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for absolving

  • absolution
  • acquit
  • acquitting
  • compensatory
  • condoning
  • dispensation
  • exculpating
  • exculpatory
  • exempt
  • exonerate
  • exonerating
  • forgive
  • forgiveness
  • pardon
  • pardoning
  • relieve
  • remitting
  • vindicate
  • vindicating

Antonyms for absolving

  • accuse
  • accusing
  • blame
  • censure
  • charge
  • charging
  • chastening
  • condemn
  • convict
  • correcting
  • correctional
  • corrective
  • damn
  • disciplinary
  • disciplining
  • exposure
  • impeaching
  • incriminating
  • indicting
  • liability
  • openness
  • penal
  • punish
  • punitive
  • sentence
  • susceptibility

Meanings of absolving

  • verb
    1. To set free, release or discharge (from obligations, debts, responsibility etc.).
    2. To resolve; to explain; to solve.
    3. To pronounce free from or give absolution for a penalty, blame, or guilt.
    4. To pronounce not guilty; to grant a pardon for.
    5. To grant a remission of sin; to give absolution to.
    6. To remit a sin; to give absolution for a sin.
    7. To finish; to accomplish.
    8. To pass a course or test; to gain credit for a class; to qualify academically.

Example Sentences

  • The act of forgiveness is essential in absolving conflicts and fostering reconciliation.
  • The jury's verdict of "not guilty" was pivotal in absolving the defendant of any wrongdoing.
  • His sincere apology played a crucial role in absolving him of the tension within the group.
  • The therapeutic process involves absolving oneself from self-blame and guilt.
  • The priest provided counsel aimed at absolving parishioners of their sins during confession.

On this page you'll find 45 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to absolving, such as: absolution, accuse, accusing, acquit, acquitting, blame, censure.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List