
The word “absorbed” has 2 syllables: ab-sorbed.

It's pronounced as /əbˈsɔrbd/.

What is synonym and antonym for absorbed?

In the thesaurus, “absorbed” has 32 synonyms and 34 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for absorbed along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for absorbed

  • accepted
  • assimilated
  • attracted
  • burned
  • burnt
  • captivated
  • consumed
  • drained
  • drank
  • endured
  • engaged
  • engrossed
  • exhausted
  • fascinated
  • focused
  • handled
  • immersed
  • incorporated
  • integrated
  • interested
  • intrigued
  • involved
  • occupied
  • preoccupied
  • reduced
  • sipped
  • spent
  • stood
  • sustained
  • swallowed
  • tolerated
  • took

Antonyms for absorbed

  • absent
  • absentminded
  • abstracted
  • augmented
  • avoided
  • bored
  • contested
  • declined
  • disenthralled
  • disinterested
  • dismissed
  • distracted
  • enlarged
  • escaped
  • fought
  • inattentive
  • increased
  • lost
  • oblivious
  • opposed
  • preoccupied
  • refused
  • rejected
  • renewed
  • replaced
  • repudiated
  • resisted
  • tired
  • turned down
  • unabsorbed
  • unfocused
  • uninterested
  • unoccupied
  • wearied

Meanings of absorbed

  • verb
    1. To include so that it no longer has separate existence; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to incorporate; to assimilate; to take in and use up.
    2. To engulf, as in water; to swallow up.
    3. To suck up; to drink in; to imbibe, like a sponge or as the lacteals of the body; to chemically take in.
    4. To take in energy and convert it, as.
    5. To engross or engage wholly; to occupy fully.
    6. To occupy or consume time.
    7. Assimilate mentally.
    8. To assume or pay for as part of a commercial transaction.
    9. To defray the costs.
    10. To accept or purchase in quantity.
  • adjective
    1. Fully occupied with one's thoughts; engrossed.
    2. Something that has been absorbed, taken in, engulfed, imbibed, or assimilated.

Example Sentences

  • She was so absorbed in her book that she didn't hear her phone ringing.
  • The sponge absorbed all the spilled water from the kitchen floor.
  • His mind was absorbed in contemplation as he watched the sunset.
  • The plant absorbed nutrients from the soil to fuel its growth.
  • The audience was completely absorbed by the magician's performance.

On this page you'll find 66 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to absorbed, such as: absent, absentminded, abstracted, accepted, assimilated, attracted, augmented.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • absorbed
  • affected
  • aroused
  • astonished
  • awed
  • baffled
  • befuddled
  • bewildered
  • blinded
  • dazed
  • delighted
  • distracted
  • dumb
  • enamored
  • enchanted
  • enthralled
  • excited
  • fascinated
  • giddy
  • groggy
  • intoxicated
  • mesmerized
  • mystified
  • perplexed
  • puzzled
  • queasy
  • rattled
  • shaky
  • shocked
  • startled
  • stunned
  • surprised
  • thrilled
  • tipsy
  • unsteady
  • wobbly
  • woozy


  • absorbed
  • delirious
  • dizzy
  • drunk
  • electrified
  • energized
  • enlivened
  • excited
  • inspired
  • invigorated
  • stimulated
  • thrilled
  • vitalized


  • absorbed
  • alert
  • attentive
  • awake
  • aware
  • careful
  • discerning
  • discriminating
  • focused
  • immersed
  • intelligent
  • interested
  • mindful
  • perceptive
  • vigilant
  • watchful


  • bigoted
  • boastful
  • compulsive
  • distraught
  • disturbed
  • dogmatic
  • eerie
  • enthusiastic
  • fervent
  • fevered
  • frantic
  • frenetic
  • frenzied
  • furious
  • heated
  • hectic
  • impassioned
  • impulsive
  • manic
  • memorable
  • narcissistic
  • narrow-minded
  • nostalgic
  • obsessional
  • passionate
  • pompous
  • rabid
  • restless
  • self-absorbed
  • selfish
  • single-minded
  • snobbish
  • spooky
  • stubborn
  • subjective
  • violent
  • zealous

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