
The word “abstinence” has 3 syllables: ab-sti-nence

It's pronounced as /ˈæbstɪnəns/

What is synonym and antonym for abstinence?

In the thesaurus, “abstinence” has 9 synonyms and 12 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for abstinence along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for abstinence

  • celibacy
  • chastity
  • fasting
  • frugality
  • moderation
  • purity
  • self-restraint
  • temperance
  • virginity

Antonyms for abstinence

Meanings of abstinence

  • noun
    1. The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite.
    2. The practice of self-denial; self-restraint; forebearance from anything.
    3. Self-denial; abstaining; or forebearance of anything.
    4. Delay of spending to accrue capital.

Example Sentences

  • Abstinence from social media allowed her to focus more on her studies and personal growth.
  • The decision to practice abstinence until marriage was rooted in their religious beliefs.
  • The health educator emphasized the importance of abstinence as the most effective method of preventing sexually transmitted infections.
  • He credited his success in overcoming addiction to alcohol to his commitment to abstinence.
  • The doctor recommended a period of abstinence from strenuous exercise to allow the injury to heal properly.

On this page you'll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to abstinence, such as: celibacy, chastity, debauchery, fasting, frugality, gluttony, greed.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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