
The word “abused” has 2 syllables: a-bused.

It's pronounced as /əˈbjuzd/.

What is synonym and antonym for abused?

In the thesaurus, “abused” has 35 synonyms and 19 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for abused along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for abused

  • attacked
  • bullied
  • destitute
  • dismal
  • distressed
  • dreary
  • dry
  • enslaved
  • exploited
  • flat
  • helpless
  • humdrum
  • injured
  • leveraged
  • maltreated
  • manipulated
  • mistreated
  • misused
  • oppressed
  • ordinary
  • overburdened
  • persecuted
  • perverted
  • repetitive
  • scolded
  • slammed
  • stale
  • stupid
  • tame
  • tedious
  • tiresome
  • tortured
  • uninspiring
  • used
  • violated

Antonyms for abused

  • acclaimed
  • applied
  • bright
  • cherished
  • commended
  • employed
  • exciting
  • favored
  • fostered
  • hailed
  • happy
  • interesting
  • light
  • lively
  • nurtured
  • pleasant
  • praised
  • used
  • utilized

Meanings of abused

  • verb
    1. To put to a wrong use; to misapply; to use improperly; to misuse; to use for a wrong purpose or end; to pervert.
    2. To injure; to maltreat; to hurt; to treat with cruelty, especially repeatedly.
    3. To attack with coarse language; to insult; to revile; malign; to speak in an offensive manner to or about someone; to disparage.
    4. To imbibe a drug for a purpose other than it was intended; to intentionally take more of a drug than was prescribed for recreational reasons; to take illegal drugs habitually.
    5. To violate; defile; to rape.
    6. Misrepresent; adulterate.
    7. To deceive; to trick; to impose on; misuse the confidence of.
    8. Disuse.
  • adjective
    1. Having been a victim of some form of abuse, most commonly child abuse or domestic violence.
    2. Overused; used profligately or in excess.

Example Sentences

  • She sought help from authorities after being abused by her partner for years.
  • The neglected animals showed signs of having been abused in their previous home.
  • The therapist provided counseling to survivors of abused children.
  • The court imposed strict penalties on individuals found guilty of abused power.
  • Education about recognizing and reporting signs of abused children is crucial for community members.

On this page you'll find 54 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to abused, such as: acclaimed, applied, attacked, bright, bullied, cherished, commended.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abused
  • bullied
  • mistreated
  • tortured


kicked around

  • abused
  • aim
  • amble
  • answer
  • bicker
  • bullied
  • challenge
  • chewed on
  • chilled
  • conquer
  • consider
  • considered
  • consult
  • contemplate
  • contemplated
  • contend
  • contest
  • contradict
  • dance
  • debated
  • deliberate
  • deny
  • discuss
  • disprove
  • doubt
  • drifted
  • enslave
  • entertained
  • envisage
  • evaluate
  • explored
  • eyed
  • figure out
  • flit
  • float
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fooled around
  • foresee
  • guess
  • hover
  • hung about
  • hypothesize
  • inspect
  • intend
  • interpret
  • investigate
  • kicked back
  • killed time
  • lazied
  • linger
  • looked at
  • mean
  • meander
  • messed around
  • messed over
  • mull over
  • oppose
  • played
  • ponder
  • pondered
  • propose
  • quarrel
  • question
  • questioned
  • read
  • rebut
  • reflect
  • refute
  • relaxed
  • resolve
  • ride
  • roamed
  • ruminate
  • sail
  • scrutinize
  • slide
  • spell out
  • stray
  • stroll
  • strolled
  • studied
  • study
  • surmise
  • test
  • think of
  • tortured
  • vegged out
  • waft
  • wander
  • wandered
  • wash
  • weigh
  • weighed
  • wonder
  • wrangle

taken apart

walked on

  • abused
  • exploited
  • leveraged
  • manipulated
  • traded on
  • used

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