
The word “accede” has 2 syllables: ac-cede.

It's pronounced as /əkˈsiːd/.

What is synonym and antonym for accede?

In the thesaurus, “accede” has 4 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for accede along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for accede

  • acquiesce
  • agree
  • assent
  • consent

Antonyms for accede

  • deny
  • dissent
  • refuse
  • reject

Meanings of accede

  • verb
    1. To approach; to arrive, to come forward.
    2. To give one's adhesion; to join up with (a group, etc.); to become part of.
    3. To agree or assent to a proposal or a view; to give way.
    4. To come to an office, state or dignity; to attain, assume (a position).
    5. To become a party to an agreement or a treaty.

Example Sentences

  • After much negotiation, the board finally decided to accede to the demands of the workers.
  • The government was forced to accede to international pressure and sign the treaty.
  • Despite initial objections, he eventually agreed to accede to the proposal.
  • The president cannot accede to the new law without the approval of parliament.
  • They urged the company to accede to the union's request for better working conditions.

On this page you'll find 8 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to accede, such as: acquiesce, agree, assent, consent, deny, dissent, refuse.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

came around

  • accede
  • accept
  • acclimate
  • accommodate
  • accord
  • accustom
  • acquiesce
  • adhere to
  • advance
  • agree
  • allocate
  • allot
  • alter
  • arouse
  • assign
  • awaken
  • award
  • bestow
  • better
  • boost
  • bounce back
  • buy
  • call
  • call on
  • came to
  • capitulate
  • cave in
  • cede
  • comply
  • concur
  • conform
  • correct
  • cut
  • develop
  • donate
  • ease off
  • encourage
  • energize
  • enhance
  • enliven
  • fit
  • frequent
  • gain
  • give
  • give in
  • give up
  • go along
  • gratify
  • grow
  • heal
  • help
  • hit
  • increase
  • inspect
  • invest
  • invigorate
  • let go
  • lift
  • modify
  • negotiate
  • obey
  • observe
  • overcome
  • owe
  • pass
  • permit
  • pick up
  • play
  • please
  • prepare
  • progress
  • promote
  • quicken
  • quit
  • raise
  • reactivate
  • readjust
  • rebound
  • recover
  • recuperate
  • reform
  • rejuvenate
  • rekindle
  • relax
  • renew
  • renovate
  • repair
  • restore
  • resurrect
  • resuscitate
  • revamp
  • revise
  • revitalize
  • revive
  • rise
  • rouse
  • satisfy
  • see
  • settle
  • shape
  • sign up
  • slacken
  • soften
  • spin
  • stay at
  • strengthen
  • submit
  • subside
  • suit
  • swing
  • tailor
  • talk
  • tour
  • transfer
  • twist
  • undertake
  • upgrade

said uncle

  • accede
  • accept
  • acknowledge
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • agree
  • allow
  • bowed
  • capitulate
  • cave in
  • cede
  • come around
  • comply
  • conceded
  • concur
  • confess
  • conform
  • defer
  • ease off
  • gave in
  • genuflect
  • give in
  • give up
  • go along
  • grant
  • hand over
  • let go
  • pander
  • quit
  • relax
  • relinquish
  • slacken
  • soften
  • submitted
  • subscribe
  • subside
  • succumbed
  • surrender
  • surrendered
  • yield


  • accede
  • acceptances
  • acknowledge
  • acknowledgment
  • acquiesce
  • acquiescence
  • admission
  • admit
  • affirmatives
  • allow
  • approval
  • approvals
  • assent
  • authorization
  • beseech
  • blessing
  • bow
  • cave in
  • compliance
  • comply
  • concede
  • concur
  • concurrence
  • conform
  • consent
  • cooperation
  • fawn
  • give in
  • go ahead
  • go along
  • grant
  • greeting
  • ok
  • okay
  • permission
  • permit
  • pros
  • recognition
  • recognize
  • salute
  • sanction
  • set
  • settle
  • sign
  • subscribe
  • understanding
  • underwrite
  • voice vote
  • yeas
  • yes


  • accede
  • acceptances
  • acknowledge
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • affirmatives
  • allow
  • approvals
  • beseech
  • cave in
  • comply
  • concede
  • concur
  • conform
  • fawn
  • give in
  • go along
  • grant
  • pros
  • recognize
  • set
  • settle
  • sign
  • subscribe
  • underwrite
  • yeas

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