
The word “accepting” has 3 syllables: ac-cep-ting.

It's pronounced as /əkˈsɛptɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for accepting?

In the thesaurus, “accepting” has 70 synonyms and 70 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for accepting along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for accepting

  • acceptance
  • acknowledgment
  • admiring
  • admission
  • affirmation
  • appreciative
  • approval
  • approving
  • assuming
  • authorization
  • bearing
  • belief
  • believing
  • commendatory
  • compliance
  • complimentary
  • confident
  • consent
  • convinced
  • cooperation
  • corroboration
  • cynical
  • depressing
  • embracing
  • endorsement
  • enduring
  • evidence
  • expectation
  • favorable
  • favoring
  • flattering
  • friendly
  • green light
  • guess
  • handling
  • having
  • hunch
  • hypothesis
  • inference
  • lenient
  • magnanimous
  • merciful
  • okay
  • passage
  • permission
  • pessimistic
  • positive
  • premise
  • presumption
  • proof
  • recognition
  • resigned
  • secure
  • shouldering
  • standing
  • supporting
  • supportive
  • supposition
  • suspicion
  • taking
  • testimony
  • theory
  • tolerating
  • trusting
  • undertaking
  • unquestioning
  • unsuspecting
  • verification
  • warm
  • yes

Antonyms for accepting

  • abjuring
  • adverse
  • avoiding
  • blacklisting
  • censuring
  • condemning
  • critical
  • criticizing
  • damning
  • declining
  • denial
  • denouncing
  • denying
  • deprecating
  • depreciating
  • depreciative
  • depreciatory
  • derogatory
  • disagreement
  • disallowing
  • disapproval
  • disapproving
  • disavowing
  • disbelief
  • disbelieving
  • disclaiming
  • dismissing
  • disowning
  • disparaging
  • dissension
  • distrustful
  • doubtful
  • doubting
  • ecstatic
  • enraptured
  • exuberant
  • fact
  • fighting
  • hopeful
  • inappreciative
  • knowledge
  • measurement
  • negative
  • opposing
  • opposition
  • optimistic
  • proof
  • questioning
  • reality
  • recanting
  • refusal
  • refusing
  • rejecting
  • rejection
  • renouncing
  • repudiating
  • resisting
  • retracting
  • skeptical
  • spurning
  • taking back
  • truth
  • unappreciative
  • uncertain
  • uncomplimentary
  • unfavorable
  • unflattering
  • unfriendly
  • veto
  • withdrawing

Meanings of accepting

  • verb
    1. To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.
    2. To admit to a place or a group.
    3. To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in.
    4. To receive as adequate or satisfactory.
    5. To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
    6. To endure patiently.
    7. To agree to pay.
    8. To receive officially.
    9. To receive something willingly.
  • adjective
    1. Characterized by acceptance.

Example Sentences

  • She is known for her accepting nature, always welcoming new ideas.
  • The community has been very accepting of diverse cultures and backgrounds.
  • He found peace in accepting the things he could not change.
  • The organization focuses on accepting individuals from all walks of life.
  • Learning to be accepting of others is a valuable life skill.

On this page you'll find 140 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to accepting, such as: abjuring, acceptance, acknowledgment, admiring, admission, adverse, affirmation.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • accepting
  • continuing
  • dwelling
  • enduring
  • eternal
  • everlasting
  • handling
  • immortal
  • lasting
  • living
  • ongoing
  • perennial
  • perpetual
  • persistent
  • persisting
  • remaining
  • residing
  • standing
  • staying
  • steadfast
  • taking
  • tolerating
  • waiting


  • accepting
  • arresting
  • assimilating
  • bearing
  • burning
  • captivating
  • consuming
  • depleting
  • draining
  • drinking
  • enduring
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • enthralling
  • exhausting
  • fascinating
  • gripping
  • handling
  • immersing
  • incorporating
  • integrating
  • interesting
  • intriguing
  • involving
  • occupying
  • reducing
  • riveting
  • sipping
  • spellbinding
  • spending
  • standing
  • sustaining
  • swallowing
  • taking
  • tolerating


  • accept
  • accepting
  • addressing
  • amputate
  • anger
  • bark
  • bother
  • break
  • bruise
  • burst
  • butcher
  • carve
  • chisel
  • choke
  • chop
  • cleave
  • confront
  • contort
  • crack
  • crumble
  • cube
  • curtail
  • cut
  • cut back
  • cut down
  • damage
  • deface
  • disable
  • disband
  • disfigure
  • dismember
  • distort
  • disturb
  • divide
  • drop
  • endure
  • enduring
  • engrave
  • etch
  • exasperate
  • fashion
  • flatten
  • gall
  • get by
  • go
  • grapple
  • grind
  • hack
  • handle
  • handling
  • harm
  • hew
  • hold
  • impair
  • incapacitate
  • incense
  • inflame
  • infuriate
  • injure
  • irk
  • irritate
  • isolate
  • lacerate
  • lower
  • maim
  • managing
  • mangle
  • manipulating
  • maul
  • mince
  • mold
  • mutilate
  • negotiating
  • nick
  • open
  • pare
  • provoke
  • ravage
  • raze
  • receive
  • rile
  • rip
  • rive
  • score
  • sculpt
  • separate
  • sever
  • shape
  • shave
  • shoot
  • shoot down
  • shorten
  • shred
  • slash
  • slice
  • slit
  • splinter
  • split
  • stand
  • standing
  • strip
  • suffer
  • sunder
  • survive
  • sustaining
  • taking
  • tear
  • tolerating
  • treating
  • tumble
  • vex
  • vomit
  • welcome
  • whack
  • whoop
  • wound
  • wreck
  • wrestle


  • absorbing
  • accepting
  • addressing
  • administration
  • bearing
  • conducting
  • control
  • controlling
  • direction
  • enduring
  • governance
  • governing
  • government
  • management
  • managing
  • manipulating
  • negotiating
  • operating
  • operation
  • overseeing
  • oversight
  • regulating
  • running
  • serving
  • standing
  • stewardship
  • supervising
  • supervision
  • sustaining
  • taking
  • tolerating
  • treating
  • using


  • accepting
  • accommodating
  • acting
  • addressing
  • attractive
  • bearing
  • beating
  • beautiful
  • believing
  • buying
  • catching
  • charming
  • choosing
  • conquering
  • contracting
  • cute
  • defeating
  • destroying
  • dispatching
  • enduring
  • fetching
  • getting
  • good
  • gorgeous
  • grasping
  • gripping
  • handling
  • handsome
  • having
  • holding
  • killing
  • likely
  • lovely
  • managing
  • manipulating
  • mastering
  • needing
  • negotiating
  • operating
  • overcoming
  • performing
  • picking
  • pretty
  • purchasing
  • reacting
  • receiving
  • requiring
  • seating
  • selecting
  • slaying
  • standing
  • stopping
  • stunning
  • sustaining
  • tolerating
  • treating
  • wanting
  • working

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