
The word “backfire” has 2 syllables: back-fire.

It's pronounced as /ˈbækˌfaɪər/.

What is synonym and antonym for backfire?

In the thesaurus, “backfire” has 7 synonyms and 3 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for backfire along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for backfire

  • bonfire
  • campfire
  • collapse
  • fail
  • flop
  • forest fire
  • wildfire

Antonyms for backfire

  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • succeed

Meanings of backfire

  • noun
    1. A small, controlled fire set in the path of a larger uncontrolled fire, in order to limit the spread of the large fire by removing its fuel.
    2. An explosion produced either by a running internal combustion engine that occurs in the air intake or exhaust system rather than inside the combustion chamber or unburned fuel or hydrocarbons ignited somewhere in the exhaust system.
    3. A premature explosion in the cylinder of a gas or oil engine during the exhaust or the compression stroke, tending to drive the piston in the wrong direction.
    4. An explosion in the exhaust passages of an internal combustion engine.
  • verb
    1. (of a gun, cannon, Bunsen burner, etc.) To fire in the opposite direction, for example due to an obstruction in the barrel.
    2. (of an engine) To experience a premature ignition of fuel or an ignition of exhaust gases, making a popping sound.
    3. To fail in a manner that brings down further misfortune.

Example Sentences

  • His attempt to play a prank on his friend unexpectedly backfired.
  • The deceptive strategy seemed promising initially but ultimately backfired.
  • Trying to manipulate the situation could easily backfire and lead to negative consequences.
  • The plan to sabotage the competition's product ended up being a backfire for the company.
  • Hoping to gain sympathy, the politician's actions instead backfired and damaged their reputation.

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to backfire, such as: accomplish, achieve, bonfire, campfire, collapse, fail, flop.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

fallen flat

  • abort
  • backfire
  • baffle
  • break down
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collapsed
  • collide
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • deceive
  • decline
  • disconcert
  • disenchant
  • dishearten
  • disillusion
  • dissatisfy
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • dumbfound
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall through
  • fallen short
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • hamper
  • hurtle
  • laid an egg
  • meet
  • misfire
  • mislead
  • missed
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • topple
  • tumble
  • washed out

fallen short

  • abate
  • abort
  • atrophy
  • backfire
  • break down
  • collapsed
  • come a cropper
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • decline
  • decrease
  • die down
  • die out
  • dim
  • diminish
  • drop
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • fade
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall flat
  • fall off
  • fall through
  • fallen flat
  • fizzle
  • flamed out
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • forget
  • give up
  • laid an egg
  • lessen
  • miscarried
  • misfire
  • missed
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • reduce
  • shorten
  • shrink
  • shrivel
  • slacken
  • squander
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • subside
  • suffer
  • surrender
  • taper off
  • wane
  • washed out
  • waste
  • weaken
  • wither

falling flat

  • abort
  • backfire
  • baffle
  • bombing
  • break down
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collapsing
  • collide
  • come apart
  • coming a cropper
  • coming to grief
  • coming up empty
  • deceive
  • decline
  • disconcert
  • disenchant
  • dishearten
  • disillusion
  • dissatisfy
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • dumbfound
  • dying on the vine
  • fail
  • failing
  • fall
  • fall through
  • falling short
  • fizzle
  • flaming out
  • flop
  • flopping
  • fold
  • folding
  • hamper
  • hurtle
  • laying an egg
  • meet
  • misfire
  • mislead
  • missing
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • striking out
  • struggling
  • topple
  • tumble
  • washing out

falls flat

  • abort
  • backfire
  • baffle
  • bombs
  • break down
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collapses
  • collide
  • come apart
  • deceive
  • decline
  • disconcert
  • disenchant
  • dishearten
  • disillusion
  • dissatisfy
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • dumbfound
  • fail
  • fails
  • fall
  • fall through
  • falls short
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • flops
  • fold
  • folds
  • hamper
  • hurtle
  • lays an egg
  • meet
  • misfire
  • mislead
  • misses
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • struggles
  • topple
  • tumble

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