
The word “backup” has 2 syllables: back-up.

It's pronounced as /ˈbækˌʌp/.

What is synonym and antonym for backup?

In the thesaurus, “backup” has 11 synonyms and 14 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for backup along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for backup

  • alternate
  • bear out
  • coagulate
  • gel
  • harden
  • jam
  • makeshift
  • proxy
  • replacement
  • stopgap
  • substitute

Antonyms for backup

  • arise
  • challenge
  • contradict
  • deny
  • disprove
  • flow
  • issue
  • permanent
  • pour
  • rebut
  • refute
  • roll
  • run
  • stream

Meanings of backup

  • noun
    1. A reserve or substitute.
    2. A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover the original if it is destroyed or damaged.
    3. An accumulation of material caused by a (partial) obstruction or (complete) blockage of the flow or movement of the material, or an accumulation of material that causes an overflow due to the flow being greater than the maximum possible flow.
    4. (law enforcement) reinforcements.
  • adjective
    1. Standby, reserve or extra.
    2. That is intended as a backup.
    3. Supporting, reinforcing; of or related to accompaniment.

Example Sentences

  • Backup generators provide electricity during power outages.
  • It's essential to have a reliable backup plan in case the primary one fails.
  • The IT department performs regular backup of important data to prevent loss.
  • The goalkeeper made a crucial backup save in the last minutes of the game.
  • A strong support system serves as a valuable backup during challenging times.

On this page you'll find 25 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to backup, such as: alternate, arise, bear out, challenge, coagulate, contradict, deny.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

make do

quick fix

  • alternate
  • backup
  • recourse
  • stand-in
  • standby
  • substitute

quick fixes

  • alternates
  • backups
  • standbys
  • stopgap
  • substitutes

Word List