
The word “baffled” has 2 syllables: baf-fled.

It's pronounced as /ˈbæfəld/.

What is synonym and antonym for baffled?

In the thesaurus, “baffled” has 37 synonyms and 25 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for baffled along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for baffled

  • astonished
  • awed
  • befuddled
  • bewildered
  • clueless
  • confused
  • dazed
  • disorganized
  • distracted
  • doubtful
  • dubious
  • frustrated
  • hampered
  • hesitant
  • humbled
  • indecisive
  • muddled
  • mystified
  • overpowered
  • overwhelmed
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • puzzled
  • rattled
  • routed
  • shocked
  • skeptical
  • startled
  • stunned
  • surprised
  • suspicious
  • tentative
  • uncertain
  • unconvinced
  • undecided
  • unsettled
  • unsure

Antonyms for baffled

  • advanced
  • assisted
  • assured
  • aware
  • certain
  • clear
  • composed
  • cultivated
  • decided
  • decisive
  • definite
  • determined
  • encouraged
  • forwarded
  • fostered
  • informed
  • promoted
  • satisfied
  • secure
  • settled
  • sure
  • trustworthy
  • trusty
  • undaunted
  • undoubted

Meanings of baffled

  • verb
    1. To publicly disgrace, especially of a recreant knight.
    2. To hoodwink or deceive (someone).
    3. To bewilder completely; to confuse or perplex.
    4. To foil; to thwart.
    5. To struggle in vain.
  • adjective
    1. Thoroughly confused, puzzled.
    2. Having baffles.

Example Sentences

  • She was baffled by the sudden disappearance of her keys.
  • The scientist remained baffled by the peculiar behavior of the experiment's results.
  • Despite multiple attempts, he remained baffled by the crossword puzzle's clues.
  • The detective was baffled by the lack of evidence in the case.
  • His cryptic message left his friends baffled about his intentions.

On this page you'll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to baffled, such as: advanced, assisted, assured, astonished, aware, awed, befuddled.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words



  • absorbed
  • affected
  • aroused
  • astonished
  • awed
  • baffled
  • befuddled
  • bewildered
  • blinded
  • dazed
  • delighted
  • distracted
  • dumb
  • enamored
  • enchanted
  • enthralled
  • excited
  • fascinated
  • giddy
  • groggy
  • intoxicated
  • mesmerized
  • mystified
  • perplexed
  • puzzled
  • queasy
  • rattled
  • shaky
  • shocked
  • startled
  • stunned
  • surprised
  • thrilled
  • tipsy
  • unsteady
  • wobbly
  • woozy


  • anesthetize
  • anesthetized
  • baffled
  • blunted
  • buffered
  • cushioned
  • dampen
  • dampened
  • deadened
  • debilitate
  • desensitize
  • drugged
  • dull
  • dulled
  • modulated
  • paralyze
  • sap
  • soften
  • softened
  • stupefied
  • stupefy
  • unconscious
  • undermine
  • water down
  • weaken


  • annihilated
  • baffled
  • cripple
  • damaged
  • demolished
  • destroy
  • destroyed
  • destruction
  • devastated
  • disrupt
  • disruption
  • foiled
  • frustrated
  • hamper
  • harmed
  • hinder
  • hurt
  • impaired
  • marred
  • obstruct
  • ravaged
  • razed
  • ruined
  • shattered
  • smashed
  • subversion
  • subvert
  • thwarted
  • torpedo
  • totaled
  • totalled
  • treachery
  • treason
  • undermine
  • vandalism
  • vandalize
  • wasted
  • wiped out
  • wracked
  • wreck
  • wrecked

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