
The word “bailing” has 2 syllables: bail-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈbeɪlɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for bailing?

In the thesaurus, “bailing” has 31 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for bailing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for bailing

  • acquit
  • clear
  • clear away
  • departing
  • dig
  • dig out
  • discharge
  • dismiss
  • douse
  • escaping
  • evacuating
  • exiting
  • extricate
  • fleeing
  • getting
  • going
  • gouge
  • lift
  • load
  • moving
  • pardon
  • parole
  • pick up
  • quitting
  • release
  • relieve
  • remove
  • rescue
  • save
  • scrape
  • starting

Antonyms for bailing

  • arriving
  • coming
  • drop
  • employ
  • engage
  • hire
  • hold
  • injure
  • keep
  • lower
  • maintain
  • remaining
  • staying

Meanings of bailing

  • verb
    1. To secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail.
    2. To release a person under such guarantee.
    3. To hand over personal property to be held temporarily by another as a bailment.
    4. To remove (water) from a boat by scooping it out.
    5. To remove water from (a boat) by scooping it out.
    6. To set free; to deliver; to release.
    7. To exit quickly.
    8. To fail to meet a commitment.
    9. To secure the head of a cow during milking.
    10. To confine.
    11. To secure (a cow) by placing its head in a bail for milking.
    12. To keep (a traveller) detained in order to rob them; to corner (a wild animal); loosely, to detain, hold up. (Usually with up.).
  • noun
    1. The act by which something is bailed.

Example Sentences

  • Despite the storm, the crew kept bailing water out of the sinking ship.
  • She was busy bailing hay in the barn to prepare for the winter.
  • His quick thinking and expertise in bailing out troubled companies earned him respect in the business world.
  • The automatic bailing system on the boat helped keep it afloat during the rough seas.
  • The farmer spent the afternoon bailing hay under the scorching sun.

On this page you'll find 44 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to bailing, such as: acquit, arriving, clear, clear away, coming, departing, dig.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

taking a hike

  • avoid
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • betray
  • blow
  • bolt
  • break out
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • disengage
  • drop out
  • eliminate
  • escape
  • evacuating
  • flee
  • fly
  • forsake
  • get
  • get off
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • go out
  • going
  • going off
  • jump
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • pass
  • peeling off
  • progress
  • pull back
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • retire
  • retreat
  • running along
  • separate
  • start
  • take off
  • taking off
  • travel
  • vacate
  • vanish
  • walking out
  • withdraw

taking a powder

  • avoid
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • disappear
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • dodge
  • drop out
  • dump
  • elude
  • emerge
  • evade
  • exiting
  • flee
  • fly
  • getting
  • getting off
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • leave
  • move
  • moving
  • pass
  • peeling off
  • progress
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pulling up stakes
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • retire
  • run
  • running along
  • slip
  • slip away
  • stop
  • surrender
  • taking a walk
  • taking off
  • travel
  • vacate
  • vanish
  • walking out
  • withdraw

taking a walk

  • abandon
  • abscond
  • amble
  • bailing
  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • depart
  • departing
  • desert
  • digging out
  • discard
  • discontinue
  • ditch
  • drop
  • drop out
  • dump
  • escort
  • evacuating
  • getting off
  • give up
  • go
  • going
  • going off
  • hike
  • lead
  • leave
  • lumber
  • meander
  • moving
  • parade
  • peeling off
  • plod
  • prance
  • pull out
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • quit
  • quitting
  • race
  • reject
  • relinquish
  • renounce
  • retire
  • revolt
  • roam
  • run
  • running along
  • saunter
  • shuffle
  • step
  • stop
  • stride
  • stroll
  • strut
  • surrender
  • taking off
  • trek
  • trudge
  • vacate
  • walking out
  • wander
  • withdraw

taking off

  • bailing out
  • beating it
  • bugging out
  • clearing off
  • clearing out
  • cutting out
  • deducting
  • departing
  • digging out
  • exiting
  • getting
  • getting off
  • going
  • going off
  • knocking over
  • moving
  • peeling off
  • pulling out
  • pushing off
  • pushing on
  • putting off
  • removing
  • ripping off
  • robbing
  • running along
  • subtracting
  • taking a walk
  • walking out


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