
The word “balance” has 2 syllables: bal-ance.

It's pronounced as /ˈbæləns/.

What is synonym and antonym for balance?

In the thesaurus, “balance” has 30 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for balance along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for balance

  • adjust
  • assess
  • calculate
  • compensate
  • counter
  • difference
  • equalize
  • equate
  • equilibrium
  • equity
  • falter
  • hang back
  • harmonize
  • harmony
  • hesitate
  • offset
  • orchestration
  • pay
  • profit
  • proportion
  • readjust
  • remainder
  • rest
  • scale
  • stability
  • stabilize
  • surplus
  • symmetry
  • tension
  • weigh

Antonyms for balance

  • asymmetry
  • body
  • continue
  • decide
  • disequilibrate
  • disequilibrium
  • disproportion
  • imbalance
  • mass
  • most
  • repudiate
  • tension
  • unbalance
  • violence
  • weight

Meanings of balance

  • noun
    1. A state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium.
    2. Mental equilibrium; mental health; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed.
    3. Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight.
    4. A pair of scales.
    5. Awareness of both viewpoints or matters; neutrality; rationality; objectivity.
    6. The overall result of conflicting forces, opinions etc.; the influence which ultimately "weighs" more than others.
    7. Apparent harmony in art (between differing colours, sounds, etc.).
    8. A list accounting for the debits on one side, and for the credits on the other.
    9. The result of such a procedure; the difference between credit and debit of an account.
    10. A device used to regulate the speed of a watch, clock etc.
    11. The remainder.
    12. Libra.
  • verb
    1. To bring (items) to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights.
    2. To make (concepts) agree.
    3. To hold (an object or objects) precariously; to support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling.
    4. To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.; to estimate.
    5. (dancing) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally.
    6. To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass.
    7. To make the credits and debits of (an account) correspond.
    8. To be in equilibrium.
    9. To have matching credits and debits.
    10. To weigh in a balance.
    11. To hesitate or fluctuate.

Example Sentences

  • She struggled to find the right balance between work and personal life.
  • The gymnast demonstrated incredible balance as she performed a series of intricate routines on the beam.
  • It's important to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients in your diet for optimal health.
  • The company's financial report showed a positive balance in its accounts for the fiscal year.
  • As a leader, he had to balance the needs and interests of various stakeholders to make informed decisions.

On this page you'll find 45 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to balance, such as: adjust, assess, asymmetry, body, calculate, compensate, continue.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abstemious
  • ascetic
  • ascetical
  • austere
  • balanced
  • bearable
  • calm
  • cautious
  • conservative
  • continent
  • disciplined
  • gentle
  • limited
  • middle-of-the-road
  • mild
  • modest
  • neutral
  • nondrinker
  • not extreme
  • pleasant
  • prudish
  • reasonable
  • restrained
  • rigid
  • sedate
  • serious
  • sober
  • soft
  • steady
  • tame
  • teetotaler
  • teetotalist
  • temperate
  • tolerable
  • tolerant


  • adjust
  • appraise
  • ascertain
  • assess
  • average
  • balance
  • calculate
  • check
  • compute
  • correct
  • determine
  • estimate
  • evaluate
  • fine-tune
  • fit
  • fix
  • gauge
  • guess
  • improve
  • limit
  • mark
  • measure
  • overhaul
  • peg
  • quantify
  • rank
  • readjust
  • regulate
  • specify
  • survey
  • take account of
  • tighten
  • tweak
  • weigh


  • adjust
  • appraise
  • ascertain
  • assess
  • average
  • balance
  • calculate
  • calculates
  • check
  • compute
  • computes
  • correct
  • determine
  • estimate
  • evaluate
  • fine-tune
  • fit
  • fix
  • gauge
  • guess
  • improve
  • limit
  • mark
  • measures
  • overhaul
  • peg
  • quantify
  • rank
  • readjust
  • regulate
  • specify
  • survey
  • take account of
  • tighten
  • tweak
  • weigh


  • anger
  • annoy
  • bother
  • confuse
  • crack
  • craze
  • derange
  • distract
  • disturb
  • enrage
  • frenzy
  • infuriate
  • mad
  • outrage
  • unbalance
  • unhinge
  • unsettle
  • upset


  • agitated
  • angered
  • annoyed
  • bitter
  • bothered
  • brutal
  • confused
  • crazed
  • crazy
  • cruel
  • demented
  • deranged
  • desperate
  • distracted
  • distraught
  • disturbed
  • dogged
  • emotional
  • enraged
  • exasperated
  • fierce
  • frantic
  • frenetic
  • frenzied
  • furious
  • heated
  • homicidal
  • hysterical
  • impassioned
  • incensed
  • indignant
  • infuriated
  • irate
  • irrational
  • irritable
  • irritated
  • livid
  • mad
  • maniacal
  • miffed
  • murderous
  • nervous
  • neurotic
  • offended
  • outraged
  • overwrought
  • passionate
  • potent
  • powerful
  • raging
  • resentful
  • savage
  • sullen
  • unbalanced
  • uncontrollable
  • unhinged
  • unsettled
  • upset
  • uptight
  • vehement
  • vicious
  • violent

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