
The word “balking” has 2 syllables: balk-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈbɔːkɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for balking?

In the thesaurus, “balking” has 13 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for balking along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for balking

  • baffling
  • blocking
  • crossing
  • debarment
  • deterrence
  • forbidding
  • frustrating
  • frustration
  • hampering
  • negating
  • opposing
  • stopping
  • thwarting

Antonyms for balking

  • advancing
  • aid
  • aiding
  • assistance
  • assisting
  • backing
  • cultivating
  • encouraging
  • forwarding
  • fostering
  • furthering
  • promoting
  • support

Meanings of balking

  • verb
    1. To pass over or by.
    2. To omit, miss or overlook by chance.
    3. To miss intentionally; to avoid.
    4. To stop, check, block.
    5. To stop short and refuse to go on.
    6. To refuse suddenly.
    7. To disappoint; to frustrate.
    8. To engage in contradiction; to be in opposition.
    9. To leave or make balks in.
    10. To leave heaped up; to heap up in piles.
    11. To indicate to fishermen, by shouts or signals from shore, the direction taken by the shoals of herring.
  • noun
    1. A frustration or disappointment; a check.

Example Sentences

  • The team's progress was hindered by constant balking at the proposed changes to the project plan.
  • Despite encouragement from his coach, the athlete kept balking at attempting the challenging new technique.
  • Her dog kept balking at crossing the narrow bridge, displaying signs of fear and reluctance.
  • The politician's constant balking at compromise led to a deadlock in negotiations, frustrating both parties.
  • The student's balking at studying for the exam resulted in poor grades, despite ample resources provided by the teacher.

On this page you'll find 26 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to balking, such as: advancing, aid, aiding, assistance, assisting, backing, baffling.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • balking
  • barring
  • bewildering
  • checkmate
  • confounding
  • confused
  • confusing
  • crossing
  • debarment
  • determent
  • deterrence
  • disjointed
  • disorganized
  • enigmatic
  • foiling
  • forbidding
  • frustrating
  • frustration
  • hampering
  • incomprehensible
  • muddled
  • mystifying
  • negation
  • neutralization
  • nullification
  • perplexing
  • puzzling
  • thwarting
  • unfathomable
  • unorganized

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