
The word “ballistic” has 3 syllables: bal-lis-tic.

It's pronounced as /bəˈlɪstɪk/.

What is synonym and antonym for ballistic?

In the thesaurus, “ballistic” has 10 synonyms and 14 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for ballistic along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for ballistic

  • angered
  • angry
  • enraged
  • furious
  • indignant
  • infuriate
  • infuriated
  • mad
  • outraged
  • rabid

Antonyms for ballistic

  • accepting
  • accommodating
  • agreeable
  • amenable
  • amicable
  • angerless
  • complaisant
  • content
  • cordial
  • delighted
  • friendly
  • happy
  • pleased
  • sympathetic

Meanings of ballistic

  • adjective
    1. Or relating to ballistics.
    2. Or relating to projectiles moving under their own momentum, air drag, gravity and sometimes rocket power.
    3. Very angry.

Example Sentences

  • The crowd went ballistic when their team scored the winning goal in the final minute.
  • His temper can go from calm to ballistic in a matter of seconds when he's under pressure.
  • The CEO went ballistic when he discovered the financial discrepancies in the company's accounts.
  • The media coverage of the scandal sent public outrage ballistic.
  • The military developed a new ballistic missile defense system to protect against potential threats.

On this page you'll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to ballistic, such as: accepting, accommodating, agreeable, amenable, amicable, angered, angerless.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

had a fit

  • angered
  • blew up
  • blow up
  • boil over
  • erupt
  • exploded
  • flew into a rage
  • flew off the handle
  • glared
  • hit the ceiling
  • hit the roof
  • lose it
  • overreact
  • rampage
  • roar
  • scare
  • seethe
  • snapped
  • snarled
  • tear
  • went ballistic


  • absurd
  • anger
  • angered
  • angry
  • annoy
  • ballistic
  • crazed
  • crazy
  • delirious
  • demented
  • deranged
  • enrage
  • enraged
  • fierce
  • foolhardy
  • foolish
  • frantic
  • frenzied
  • furious
  • fury
  • gaga
  • idiotic
  • indignant
  • indignation
  • infuriate
  • infuriated
  • insane
  • intense
  • intensive
  • irate
  • irrational
  • kooky
  • lunatic
  • madness
  • maniac
  • maniacal
  • mental
  • mood
  • nuts
  • nutty
  • outrage
  • outraged
  • paranoid
  • preposterous
  • psychotic
  • rage
  • reckless
  • silly
  • stupid
  • unwise
  • wild
  • wrath
  • wrathfulness


  • angered
  • angry
  • ballistic
  • crazed
  • delirious
  • enraged
  • enthusiastic
  • extreme
  • fanatical
  • ferocious
  • fervent
  • fierce
  • frantic
  • frenzied
  • furious
  • indignant
  • infuriate
  • infuriated
  • intense
  • intensive
  • mad
  • outraged
  • radical
  • revolutionary
  • turbulent
  • vicious
  • violent
  • virulent
  • zealous

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