
The word “baloney” has 3 syllables: ba-lo-ney.

It's pronounced as /bəˈloʊni/.

What is synonym and antonym for baloney?

In the thesaurus, “baloney” has 15 synonyms and 4 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for baloney along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for baloney

  • balderdash
  • blah
  • bunk
  • claptrap
  • drool
  • foolishness
  • garbage
  • hogwash
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • twaddle

Antonyms for baloney

  • common sense
  • rationality
  • reasonableness
  • sense

Meanings of baloney

  • noun
    1. A type of sausage; bologna.
    2. Nonsense.

Example Sentences

  • He tried to convince us with some baloney about aliens visiting Earth.
  • Don't believe a word of his baloney, he's just trying to manipulate you.
  • The politician's promises sounded like pure baloney to the skeptical audience.
  • Her excuse for being late was nothing but baloney, we knew she had overslept.
  • The salesman's pitch was full of baloney, but some people still fell for it.

On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to baloney, such as: balderdash, blah, bunk, claptrap, common sense, drool, foolishness.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • balderdash
  • baloney
  • beans
  • bilge
  • blah
  • blah-blah
  • blather
  • blatherskite
  • blither
  • boloney
  • bull
  • buncombe
  • bunk
  • bunkum
  • claptrap
  • craziness
  • crock
  • flapdoodle
  • garbage
  • guff
  • hogwash
  • hokum
  • hooey
  • humbuggery
  • jazz
  • malarkey
  • malarky
  • muck
  • nonsense
  • nuts
  • piffle
  • poppycock
  • rubbish
  • silliness
  • stupidity
  • tarradiddle
  • tosh
  • trumpery
  • twaddle


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • conversational
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialect
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • double
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • fun
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • hypocritical
  • idiocy
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • joke
  • justification
  • kid
  • lampoon
  • language
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lip
  • madness
  • meaningless
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • roast
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slang
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • tease
  • terminology
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • vernacular
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabulary
  • waffle
  • waltz


  • absurdity
  • advertise
  • alibi
  • annoy
  • apology
  • assume
  • babble
  • badger
  • baloney
  • bamboozle
  • banter
  • banters
  • bias
  • bluff
  • boast
  • bother
  • bunk
  • chat
  • chatter
  • cheat
  • chicanery
  • circumvent
  • comment
  • communication
  • con
  • concoct
  • conference
  • consultation
  • contrive
  • conversation
  • counterfeit
  • cover-up
  • craziness
  • crow
  • debate
  • deceit
  • deceive
  • deception
  • defraud
  • delude
  • deride
  • dialects
  • disco
  • discussion
  • dodging
  • drivel
  • dupe
  • embezzle
  • exaggeration
  • exchange
  • fake
  • falsehood
  • farce
  • feign
  • fiction
  • fleece
  • folly
  • fool
  • foolishness
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fudge
  • gibberish
  • gloat
  • gossip
  • harass
  • hearing
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • humiliate
  • hypocrisy
  • idiocy
  • idioms
  • illusion
  • impersonate
  • insanity
  • invent
  • jokes
  • justification
  • kids
  • lampoon
  • languages
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lingoes
  • madness
  • misguide
  • misinterpretation
  • mislead
  • misrepresent
  • misrepresentation
  • misstatement
  • misuse
  • mock
  • mockery
  • monologue
  • myth
  • needle
  • nonsense
  • nudge
  • observation
  • parody
  • pester
  • pick on
  • pretend
  • pretext
  • profess
  • purport
  • put on
  • questioning
  • quip
  • rationalization
  • remark
  • report
  • ridicule
  • rob
  • rubbish
  • rumor
  • ruse
  • samba
  • scam
  • scoff
  • scorn
  • sidestep
  • silliness
  • slangs
  • song and dance
  • speech
  • spiel
  • spoof
  • stupidity
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • swindle
  • talk
  • tango
  • tantalize
  • taunt
  • teases
  • terminologies
  • torment
  • trash
  • travesty
  • trick
  • trickery
  • trump up
  • untruth
  • victimize
  • visit
  • vocabularies
  • waffle
  • waltz

Word List