bang up

The phrase “bang up” has 2 syllables: bang up.

It's pronounced as /bæŋ ʌp/.

What is synonym and antonym for bang up?

In the thesaurus, “bang up” has 28 synonyms and 16 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for bang up along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for bang up

  • awesome
  • beautiful
  • damage
  • destroy
  • excellent
  • fabulous
  • fantastic
  • fine
  • great
  • harm
  • hot
  • hurt
  • impair
  • lovely
  • mar
  • marvellous
  • marvelous
  • prime
  • ruin
  • shatter
  • spoil
  • stellar
  • superb
  • tag
  • tear down
  • terrific
  • wipe out
  • wonderful

Antonyms for bang up

  • atrocious
  • awful
  • bad
  • inferior
  • lousy
  • pathetic
  • poor
  • preserve
  • protect
  • rotten
  • save
  • substandard
  • terrible
  • unsatisfactory
  • vile
  • wretched

Meanings of bang up

  • verb
    1. To damage.
    2. To put someone in prison.
  • adjective
    1. (often hyphenated) Good, superior, excellent.

Example Sentences

  • He managed to bang up the car pretty badly in the accident.
  • The kids accidentally bang up the living room while playing their indoor games.
  • The contractor had to bang up some old shelves before installing the new ones.
  • After the rough night, she felt a bit bang up, but nothing too serious.
  • They decided to bang up the old furniture for a fresh coat of paint.

On this page you'll find 44 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to bang up, such as: atrocious, awesome, awful, bad, beautiful, damage, destroy.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

bangs up

  • bang up
  • batter
  • beat up
  • blacken
  • break
  • burn
  • contaminate
  • corrupt
  • crush
  • damages
  • destroys
  • harm
  • harms
  • hurt
  • hurts
  • impair
  • impairs
  • infect
  • injure
  • maim
  • maltreat
  • mangle
  • mar
  • mars
  • mistreat
  • misuse
  • molest
  • persecute
  • pollute
  • ravage
  • ravages
  • ruin
  • scorch
  • shatters
  • smash
  • spoils
  • tags
  • tarnish
  • tear
  • tears down
  • undermine
  • victimize
  • violate
  • weaken
  • wipes out
  • wound
  • wreck


  • abuse
  • aggrieve
  • anger
  • annoy
  • antagonize
  • assail
  • ban
  • bang up
  • batter
  • blacken
  • block
  • bother
  • chagrin
  • constrain
  • contravene
  • crush
  • damage
  • danced
  • darted
  • dashed
  • disappoint
  • disgust
  • dissatisfy
  • disturb
  • enjoin
  • enrage
  • exasperate
  • flew
  • flicked
  • flickered
  • flirted
  • flitted
  • fluttered
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • frustrate
  • gall
  • halt
  • hinder
  • horrify
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • incense
  • inconvenience
  • inhibit
  • injure
  • insult
  • irk
  • irritate
  • maim
  • mar
  • offend
  • outlaw
  • outrage
  • perplex
  • persecute
  • preclude
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • provoke
  • punish
  • rebuff
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • revile
  • rile
  • ruin
  • rule out
  • sabotage
  • sadden
  • sailed
  • sap
  • shatter
  • shock
  • shot
  • sicken
  • sped
  • speeded
  • sprinted
  • sting
  • tar
  • tarnish
  • trample
  • traumatize
  • undermine
  • upset
  • vex
  • wound
  • wreck
  • zoomed


  • abuse
  • aggrieve
  • anger
  • annoy
  • antagonize
  • assail
  • ban
  • bang up
  • batter
  • blacken
  • block
  • bother
  • chagrin
  • constrain
  • contravene
  • crush
  • damage
  • dancing
  • darting
  • dashing
  • disappoint
  • disgust
  • dissatisfy
  • disturb
  • enjoin
  • enrage
  • exasperate
  • flickering
  • flicking
  • flirting
  • flitting
  • fluttering
  • flying
  • forbid
  • freeze
  • frustrate
  • gall
  • halt
  • hinder
  • horrify
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • incense
  • inconvenience
  • inhibit
  • injure
  • insult
  • irk
  • irritate
  • maim
  • mar
  • offend
  • outlaw
  • outrage
  • perplex
  • persecute
  • preclude
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • proscribe
  • provoke
  • punish
  • rebuff
  • restrain
  • restrict
  • revile
  • rile
  • ruin
  • rule out
  • sabotage
  • sadden
  • sailing
  • sap
  • shatter
  • shock
  • sicken
  • speeding
  • sprinting
  • sting
  • tar
  • tarnish
  • trample
  • traumatize
  • undermine
  • upset
  • vex
  • wound
  • wreck
  • zipping
  • zooming

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