
The word “cabs” has 1 syllable: cabs.

It's pronounced as /kæbz/.

What is synonym and antonym for cabs?

In the thesaurus, “cabs” has 9 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for cabs along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for cabs

  • buses
  • busses
  • carriage
  • coaches
  • motors
  • taxi
  • taxicab
  • taxies
  • taxis

Meanings of cabs

  • noun
    1. Initialism of chest compressions, airway and breathing.
    2. Initialism of caffeinated alcoholic beverage.
    3. A taxi; a taxicab.
    4. Compartment at the front of a truck or train for the driver.
    5. Shelter at the top of an air traffic control tower or fire lookout tower.
    6. Any of several four-wheeled carriages; a cabriolet.
    7. A former Hebrew unit of volume, about equal to 1.3 L as a dry measure or 1.25 L as a liquid measure.
    8. An arcade cabinet, the unit in which a video game is housed in a gaming arcade.
  • verb
    1. To travel by taxicab.

Example Sentences

  • In the bustling city, bright yellow cabs darted through traffic, offering quick transportation.
  • Late at night, groups of friends hailed cabs to take them home after a lively evening.
  • Travelers arriving at the airport sought out cabs for a convenient ride to their hotels.
  • The taxi stand was filled with a line of patiently waiting cabs, ready to serve passengers.
  • Commuters preferred taking cabs during rush hour to avoid the crowded public transportation.

On this page you'll find 9 synonyms or another words to cabs, such as: buses, busses, carriage, coaches, motors, taxi, taxicab.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • barouches
  • broughams
  • buckboards
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • carryalls
  • chaises
  • chariots
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • diligences
  • hackney coaches
  • hackneys
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • phaetons
  • roadsters
  • stagecoaches
  • surreys
  • tandems
  • tongas


  • barouches
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • caleches
  • caroches
  • carryalls
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • curricles
  • diligences
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • jaunting cars
  • landaus
  • post chaises
  • stanhopes
  • tilburies


  • barouches
  • buckboards
  • cabs
  • calashes
  • caroches
  • coaches
  • curricles
  • diligences
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • jaunting cars
  • landaus
  • phaetons
  • post chaises
  • roadsters
  • stanhopes
  • surreys
  • tilburies


  • barouches
  • blacks
  • bores
  • bronchos
  • broughams
  • buckboards
  • buggies
  • cabriolets
  • cabs
  • calèches
  • caroches
  • carriage
  • carryalls
  • chaises
  • chariots
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • coupés
  • coursers
  • cow ponies
  • curricles
  • cutting horses
  • diligences
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • equipages
  • exhausts
  • gallopers
  • gigs
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • landaus
  • mounts
  • mustangs
  • overuses
  • packhorses
  • palominos
  • phaetons
  • ponies
  • popularizes
  • prancers
  • quarter horses
  • racehorses
  • roadsters
  • roans
  • rockaways
  • saddle horses
  • stagecoaches
  • stanhopes
  • stereotypes
  • surreys
  • tandems
  • taxi
  • taxicab
  • tongas
  • troikas
  • trotters
  • victorias
  • vulgarizes
  • warhorses


  • accepts
  • addresses
  • amateurs
  • bangs
  • beats
  • beginners
  • blows
  • cabs
  • chips
  • clips
  • drudge
  • endures
  • hackers
  • handles
  • hits
  • hooks
  • kids
  • knocks
  • licks
  • manages
  • maneuvers
  • manipulates
  • novices
  • pokes
  • pounds
  • punches
  • slaps
  • smacks
  • spanks
  • stands
  • strokes
  • swipes
  • takes
  • taxies
  • taxis
  • thuds
  • thumps
  • tolerates
  • treats
  • whacks

Word List