
The word “calculates” has 3 syllables: cal-cu-lates.

It's pronounced as /ˈkælkjʊˌleɪts/.

What is synonym and antonym for calculates?

In the thesaurus, “calculates” has 43 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for calculates along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for calculates

  • adjust
  • anticipate
  • appraise
  • arranges
  • assesses
  • assume
  • charts
  • computes
  • consider
  • contemplates
  • count
  • counts
  • depend on
  • depends
  • designs
  • determine
  • estimates
  • figures
  • forecast
  • gauge
  • goes
  • guess
  • intends
  • looks
  • makes
  • means
  • measure
  • multiply
  • organizes
  • outlines
  • plans
  • plots
  • prepares
  • proposes
  • puts
  • reckon
  • relies
  • rely on
  • subtract
  • supposes
  • tally
  • weigh
  • work out

Antonyms for calculates

  • computes
  • disregard
  • distrusts
  • doubt
  • estimate
  • guess
  • ignore
  • measures
  • neglect
  • questions
  • scales
  • subtract
  • suspects

Meanings of calculates

  • verb
    1. To determine the value of something or the solution to something by a mathematical process.
    2. To determine values or solutions by a mathematical process; reckon.
    3. To plan; to expect; to think.
    4. To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of; to forecast or compute the character or consequences of.
    5. To adjust for purpose; to adapt by forethought or calculation; to fit or prepare by the adaptation of means to an end.

Example Sentences

  • The computer program swiftly calculates complex mathematical equations.
  • A skilled accountant meticulously calculates the company's expenses and profits.
  • The scientist calculates the trajectory of the rocket before launch.
  • As the chef prepares the recipe, he carefully calculates the proportions of each ingredient.
  • The engineer calculates the stress levels on the bridge to ensure its structural integrity.

On this page you'll find 56 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to calculates, such as: adjust, anticipate, appraise, arranges, assesses, assume, charts.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adjust
  • appraise
  • ascertain
  • assess
  • average
  • balance
  • calculate
  • calculates
  • check
  • compute
  • computes
  • correct
  • determine
  • estimate
  • evaluate
  • fine-tune
  • fit
  • fix
  • gauge
  • guess
  • improve
  • limit
  • mark
  • measures
  • overhaul
  • peg
  • quantify
  • rank
  • readjust
  • regulate
  • specify
  • survey
  • take account of
  • tighten
  • tweak
  • weigh


  • abandons
  • aborts
  • address
  • announce
  • appeal
  • appoint
  • ask
  • asks
  • barks
  • calculates
  • calling
  • cancels
  • charge
  • claim
  • claims
  • conclusions
  • considers
  • contact
  • counts
  • cries
  • cry
  • decisions
  • declare
  • demands
  • denominates
  • designates
  • determinations
  • dials
  • dub
  • dubs
  • entitles
  • estimates
  • figures
  • hail
  • hails
  • howls
  • inquiries
  • invitation
  • invite
  • invites
  • labels
  • makes
  • markets
  • messages
  • musters
  • name
  • names
  • nicknames
  • nominates
  • note
  • opinions
  • order
  • orders
  • phone
  • phones
  • place
  • play
  • plea
  • predict
  • predicts
  • proposal
  • put
  • puts
  • queries
  • questions
  • reads
  • reason
  • recalls
  • regards
  • request
  • requests
  • require
  • revokes
  • rights
  • roars
  • scraps
  • see
  • shouts
  • signal
  • styles
  • summon
  • summons
  • supposes
  • telephone
  • term
  • terms
  • titles
  • verdicts
  • visit
  • visitations
  • visits
  • yells

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