
The word “caleches” has 2 syllables: ca-leches.

It's pronounced as /kəˈlɛʃɪz/.

What is synonym and antonym for caleches?

In the thesaurus, “caleches” has 23 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for caleches along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for caleches

  • barouches
  • buckboards
  • cabs
  • calashes
  • caroches
  • coaches
  • curricles
  • diligences
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • jaunting cars
  • landaus
  • phaetons
  • post chaises
  • roadsters
  • stanhopes
  • surreys
  • tilburies

Meanings of caleches

  • noun
    1. A type of carriage with low wheels, especially pulled by horses.

Example Sentences

  • The quaint town offers scenic tours in vintage caleches drawn by sturdy horses.
  • Visitors often enjoy exploring the countryside in open-air caleches to take in the fresh air and beautiful landscapes.
  • The historic district is known for its cobblestone streets filled with elegant caleches transporting tourists.
  • Local festivals often feature parades of decorated caleches showcasing the area's cultural heritage.
  • Residents reminisce about the days when caleches were the primary mode of transportation in the town's bustling streets.

On this page you'll find 23 synonyms or another words to caleches, such as: barouches, buckboards, cabs, calashes, caroches, coaches, curricles.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • barouches
  • buggies
  • cabs
  • caleches
  • caroches
  • carryalls
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • curricles
  • diligences
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • jaunting cars
  • landaus
  • post chaises
  • stanhopes
  • tilburies


  • barouches
  • blacks
  • bores
  • bronchos
  • broughams
  • buckboards
  • buggies
  • cabriolets
  • cabs
  • calèches
  • caroches
  • carriage
  • carryalls
  • chaises
  • chariots
  • coaches
  • coupes
  • coupés
  • coursers
  • cow ponies
  • curricles
  • cutting horses
  • diligences
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • equipages
  • exhausts
  • gallopers
  • gigs
  • hansom cabs
  • hansoms
  • landaus
  • mounts
  • mustangs
  • overuses
  • packhorses
  • palominos
  • phaetons
  • ponies
  • popularizes
  • prancers
  • quarter horses
  • racehorses
  • roadsters
  • roans
  • rockaways
  • saddle horses
  • stagecoaches
  • stanhopes
  • stereotypes
  • surreys
  • tandems
  • taxi
  • taxicab
  • tongas
  • troikas
  • trotters
  • victorias
  • vulgarizes
  • warhorses

jaunting cars

  • calashes
  • caleches
  • caroches
  • coaches
  • curricles
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • landaus
  • post chaises
  • stanhopes
  • tilburies


  • buckboards
  • calashes
  • caleches
  • caroches
  • coaches
  • curricles
  • dogcarts
  • droshkies
  • droskies
  • gigs
  • hackney coaches
  • hansom cabs
  • jaunting cars
  • post chaises
  • stanhopes
  • surreys
  • tilburies

Word List