
The word “dallies” has 2 syllables: dal-lies.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæliz/.

What is synonym and antonym for dallies?

In the thesaurus, “dallies” has 22 synonyms and 42 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dallies along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dallies

  • bums
  • chills
  • crawls
  • dawdles
  • delays
  • dillydallies
  • drags
  • flirts
  • idles
  • lazes
  • lazies
  • lingers
  • loafs
  • loiters
  • lolls
  • lounges
  • mucks
  • plays
  • pokes
  • relaxes
  • rests
  • strolls

Antonyms for dallies

  • applies
  • barrels
  • bolts
  • careers
  • courses
  • darts
  • dashes
  • flies
  • grinds
  • grubs
  • hastens
  • humps
  • hurries
  • hurtles
  • hustles
  • labors
  • pegs
  • plods
  • plows
  • plugs
  • races
  • rips
  • rockets
  • runs
  • rushes
  • scoots
  • scrambles
  • scuds
  • scurries
  • slaves
  • speeds
  • strives
  • struggles
  • sweats
  • tears
  • toils
  • trots
  • whirls
  • whisks
  • whizzes
  • works
  • zips

Meanings of dallies

  • verb
    1. To waste time in trivial activities, or in idleness; to trifle.
    2. To caress, especially of a sexual nature; to fondle or pet.
    3. To delay unnecessarily; to while away.
    4. To wind the lasso rope (ie throw-rope) around the saddle horn (the saddle horn is attached to the pommel of a western style saddle) after the roping of an animal.
  • noun
    1. Several wraps of rope around the saddle horn, used to stop animals in roping.

Example Sentences

  • She dallies with her thoughts before making a decision.
  • The cat playfully dallies with a ball of yarn on the floor.
  • Time often dallies when you're immersed in an enjoyable activity.
  • The storyteller skillfully dallies with words, captivating the audience.
  • He dallies by the window, gazing at the passing scenery.

On this page you'll find 64 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dallies, such as: applies, barrels, bolts, bums, careers, chills, courses.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • bums
  • chills
  • crawls
  • dallies
  • delays
  • drags
  • idles
  • kills time
  • laze
  • lazes
  • lazies
  • lingers
  • loafs
  • loiter
  • lolls
  • lounges
  • mosey
  • mucks
  • plays
  • pokes
  • procrastinate
  • relaxes
  • rests
  • saunter
  • strolls


  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bums
  • chills
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallies
  • dawdle
  • dawdles
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kill
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazes
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingers
  • loafs
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolls
  • lounge
  • lounges
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • mucks
  • plays
  • pokes
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxes
  • remain
  • restrain
  • rests
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolls
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste

kicks around

  • abuses
  • aim
  • amble
  • answer
  • bicker
  • bullies
  • bums
  • challenge
  • chills
  • conquer
  • consider
  • considers
  • consult
  • contemplate
  • contemplates
  • contend
  • contest
  • contradict
  • cruises
  • dance
  • debates
  • deliberate
  • deny
  • dillydallies
  • discuss
  • disprove
  • doubt
  • drifts
  • enslave
  • entertains
  • envisage
  • evaluate
  • eyes
  • figure out
  • flit
  • float
  • flow
  • flutter
  • fools around
  • footles
  • foresee
  • fribbles
  • guess
  • hangs about
  • hover
  • hypothesize
  • inspect
  • intend
  • interpret
  • investigate
  • kicks back
  • kills time
  • lazes
  • linger
  • looks at
  • lounges
  • mean
  • meander
  • messes around
  • mull over
  • oppose
  • plays
  • ponder
  • ponders
  • propose
  • quarrel
  • question
  • questions
  • read
  • rebut
  • reflect
  • refute
  • resolve
  • rests
  • ride
  • roams
  • ruminate
  • sail
  • scrutinize
  • slide
  • spell out
  • stray
  • stroll
  • strolls
  • studies
  • study
  • surmise
  • takes apart
  • test
  • think of
  • waft
  • wander
  • wanders
  • wash
  • weigh
  • weighs
  • wonder
  • wrangle

kicks back

  • basks
  • bums
  • chills
  • dillydallies
  • footles
  • hangs about
  • kicks around
  • kills time
  • lazes
  • lie down
  • loafs
  • lounges
  • plays
  • recline
  • relaxes
  • rests
  • sit back
  • strolls
  • take it easy
  • unwind
  • veges out

veges out

  • bums
  • dillydallies
  • drones
  • footles
  • hangs about
  • kicks back
  • kills time
  • lazies

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