
The word “damped” has 1 syllable: damped.

It's pronounced as /dæmpt/.

What is synonym and antonym for damped?

In the thesaurus, “damped” has 106 synonyms and 72 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for damped along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for damped

  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • block
  • blunted
  • bother
  • castrated
  • choked
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampened
  • daunt
  • deadened
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminished
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • doused
  • dowsed
  • drained
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulled
  • embarrass
  • exhausted
  • extinguished
  • flood
  • flushed
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • moisten
  • moistened
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • quenched
  • reduce
  • reduced
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinsed
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • slow
  • smothered
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • subdued
  • submerge
  • subsided
  • suffocated
  • suffuse
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermined
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • wash
  • washed
  • weaken
  • weakened
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wetted
  • wore

Antonyms for damped

  • advance
  • afire
  • aflame
  • aid
  • alight
  • allow
  • amplified
  • aroused
  • assist
  • augmented
  • blazing
  • braced
  • build up
  • burning
  • calm
  • cheer
  • collect
  • comfort
  • compose
  • consolidated
  • deepened
  • dehydrate
  • delight
  • dirty
  • dried
  • dry
  • encourage
  • energized
  • enflamed
  • enhanced
  • enlivened
  • facilitate
  • fiery
  • flaming
  • forward
  • gather
  • hearten
  • heightened
  • help
  • ignited
  • incite
  • increase
  • inflamed
  • inspirit
  • intensified
  • invigorated
  • kindled
  • lighted
  • lit
  • make happy
  • order
  • organize
  • permit
  • please
  • praise
  • promote
  • push
  • quickened
  • raise
  • roused
  • sharpened
  • soothe
  • stimulate
  • stimulated
  • stirred
  • strengthen
  • strengthened
  • support
  • thicken
  • urge
  • vitalized
  • vivified

Meanings of damped

  • verb
    1. To dampen; to make moderately wet.
    2. To put out, as fire; to weaken, restrain, or make dull.
    3. To suppress vibrations (mechanical) or oscillations (electrical) by converting energy to heat (or some other form of energy).
  • adjective
    1. (of an extinguished fire) stopped from smouldering and reigniting by the application of water.
    2. (of a linear dynamic system) Possessing a nonzero damping ratio.

Example Sentences

  • The mechanic damped the sound of the engine by adjusting the muffler.
  • His enthusiasm was damped by the unexpected news of the event's cancellation.
  • The pianist skillfully damped the resonance of the notes for a softer melody.
  • Despite the setback, she refused to let her spirits be damped.
  • The engineer implemented a new system that effectively damped vibrations in the machinery.

On this page you'll find 178 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to damped, such as: absorb, advance, afflict, afire, aflame, aid, alight.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • blunted
  • crestfallen
  • damped
  • deadened
  • decreased
  • despondent
  • diminished
  • discouraged
  • disheartened
  • dispirited
  • drained
  • dulled
  • exhausted
  • flushed
  • gloomy
  • glum
  • moistened
  • morose
  • numbed
  • reduced
  • rinsed
  • subdued
  • subsided
  • undermined
  • washed
  • weakened
  • wet
  • wetted
  • wore


  • anesthetized
  • asleep
  • benumbed
  • blunted
  • castrated
  • chilled
  • damped
  • dampened
  • delicate
  • dim
  • diminished
  • distant
  • drained
  • drugged
  • dull
  • dulled
  • enervated
  • exhausted
  • faint
  • far-off
  • gentle
  • ghastly
  • hazy
  • inaudible
  • insensitive
  • mild
  • muffled
  • muted
  • numb
  • numbed
  • reduced
  • remote
  • slight
  • soft
  • soothing
  • stifled
  • stupefied
  • subdued
  • subsided
  • suppressed
  • undermined
  • unfeeling
  • unresponsive
  • vague
  • weak
  • weakened


  • choked
  • content
  • contented
  • convinced
  • damped
  • doused
  • dowsed
  • extinguished
  • fulfilled
  • happy
  • pleased
  • satiated
  • satisfied
  • slaked
  • smothered
  • suffocated

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