
The word “dampen” has 2 syllables: dam-pen.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæmpən/.

What is synonym and antonym for dampen?

In the thesaurus, “dampen” has 28 synonyms and 32 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dampen along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dampen

  • allay
  • blunt
  • chill
  • cloud
  • cool
  • curb
  • damp
  • deaden
  • depress
  • diminish
  • discourage
  • drain
  • dull
  • exhaust
  • flush
  • inhibit
  • moderate
  • moisten
  • mute
  • reduce
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • stifle
  • subside
  • undermine
  • wash
  • weaken
  • wet

Antonyms for dampen

  • aid
  • amplify
  • arouse
  • assist
  • augment
  • boost
  • consolidate
  • deepen
  • dry
  • encourage
  • energize
  • enhance
  • enliven
  • free
  • hearten
  • heat
  • heighten
  • help
  • incite
  • increase
  • inspirit
  • intensify
  • invigorate
  • liberate
  • quicken
  • rouse
  • sharpen
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • strengthen
  • vitalize
  • warm

Meanings of dampen

  • verb
    1. To make damp or moist; to make slightly wet.
    2. To become damp or moist.
    3. To depress; to check; to make dull; to lessen.
    4. To become damped or deadened.

Example Sentences

  • The unexpected rain threatened to dampen the outdoor celebration.
  • Despite the setbacks, she refused to let anything dampen her determination.
  • A positive attitude can help dampen the impact of life's challenges.
  • The news of the job loss did little to dampen his entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Laughter has the power to dampen the weight of life's difficulties.

On this page you'll find 60 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dampen, such as: aid, allay, amplify, arouse, assist, augment, blunt.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • blunt
  • cloudy
  • dampen
  • dank
  • deaden
  • dehydrate
  • desiccate
  • devitalize
  • drain
  • drizzly
  • dull
  • exhaust
  • humid
  • humidity
  • misty
  • moist
  • moisten
  • moisture
  • muggy
  • petrify
  • reduce
  • rinse
  • saturated
  • soaked
  • sodden
  • soggy
  • steamy
  • sticky
  • undermine
  • wash
  • waterlogged
  • weaken
  • wear
  • wet


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • block
  • blunted
  • bother
  • castrated
  • choked
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampened
  • daunt
  • deadened
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminished
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • doused
  • dowsed
  • drained
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulled
  • embarrass
  • exhausted
  • extinguished
  • flood
  • flushed
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • moisten
  • moistened
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • quenched
  • reduce
  • reduced
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinsed
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • slow
  • smothered
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • subdued
  • submerge
  • subsided
  • suffocated
  • suffuse
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermined
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • wash
  • washed
  • weaken
  • weakened
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wetted
  • wore


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • block
  • blunting
  • bother
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampening
  • daunt
  • deadening
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishing
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • draining
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulling
  • embarrass
  • exhausting
  • flood
  • flushing
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • moisten
  • moistening
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • reduce
  • reducing
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinsing
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsiding
  • suffuse
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermining
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • wash
  • washing
  • weaken
  • weakening
  • wearing
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wetting


  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • bedews
  • block
  • blunts
  • bother
  • cloak
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • daunt
  • deadens
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • drains
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulls
  • embarrass
  • enervates
  • exhausts
  • flood
  • flushes
  • fog
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humidity
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • mist
  • moisten
  • moistens
  • numbs
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • perspiration
  • petrifies
  • precipitation
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • rain
  • reduce
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinses
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • shroud
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsides
  • suffuse
  • sweat
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • veil
  • wash
  • washes
  • water
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wears
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wets


  • beat
  • bit
  • blow
  • bolt
  • bound
  • burden
  • buzz
  • chase
  • concern
  • dampen
  • dart
  • depress
  • disappoint
  • distress
  • drive
  • energy
  • fling
  • fly
  • gallop
  • gas
  • get down
  • hint
  • hurl
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • jog
  • juice
  • jump
  • life
  • lunge
  • pep
  • pinch
  • plunge
  • punch
  • race
  • ruin
  • run
  • rush
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scurry
  • scuttle
  • shatter
  • shoot
  • skip
  • slam
  • smash
  • speed
  • splash
  • splatter
  • spoil
  • sprinkling
  • sprint
  • tear
  • throw
  • thwart
  • torture
  • toss
  • travel
  • trot
  • trouble
  • vigor
  • vinegar
  • weigh down
  • worry
  • zip

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