
The word “damps” has 1 syllable: damps.

It's pronounced as /dæmps/.

What is synonym and antonym for damps?

In the thesaurus, “damps” has 112 synonyms and 62 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for damps along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for damps

  • absorb
  • afflict
  • avert
  • bathe
  • beat down
  • bedews
  • block
  • blunts
  • bother
  • cloak
  • damp
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • daunt
  • deadens
  • debilitate
  • deject
  • demoralize
  • deter
  • dilute
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • disconcert
  • discourage
  • dishearten
  • dismay
  • disorganize
  • dispirit
  • dissuade
  • disturb
  • douse
  • drains
  • drench
  • drink
  • drown
  • dull
  • dulls
  • embarrass
  • enervates
  • exhausts
  • flood
  • flushes
  • fog
  • forestall
  • frighten
  • hinder
  • hose
  • humble
  • humidity
  • humiliate
  • imbue
  • immerse
  • impede
  • infuse
  • ingrain
  • intimidate
  • inundate
  • irrigate
  • lower
  • marinate
  • mist
  • moisten
  • moistens
  • numbs
  • obstruct
  • penetrate
  • permeate
  • perspiration
  • petrifies
  • precipitation
  • preclude
  • prevent
  • prohibit
  • rain
  • reduce
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinse
  • rinses
  • sadden
  • sap
  • saturate
  • scare
  • shroud
  • slow
  • soak
  • soften
  • splash
  • spray
  • sprinkle
  • steep
  • stop
  • submerge
  • subsides
  • suffuse
  • sweat
  • thin
  • trouble
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • veil
  • wash
  • washes
  • water
  • weaken
  • weakens
  • wears
  • weigh down
  • wet
  • wets

Antonyms for damps

  • advance
  • aid
  • allow
  • amplifies
  • aridity
  • arouses
  • assist
  • augments
  • boosts
  • build up
  • calm
  • cheer
  • collect
  • comfort
  • compose
  • consolidates
  • deepens
  • dehydrate
  • delight
  • dirty
  • dries
  • dry
  • dryness
  • encourage
  • energizes
  • enhances
  • enlivens
  • facilitate
  • forward
  • gather
  • hearten
  • heightens
  • help
  • incite
  • increase
  • inspirit
  • intensifies
  • invigorates
  • magnifies
  • make happy
  • order
  • organize
  • permit
  • please
  • praise
  • promote
  • push
  • quickens
  • raise
  • rouses
  • sharpens
  • soothe
  • stimulate
  • stimulates
  • stirs
  • strengthen
  • strengthens
  • support
  • thicken
  • urge
  • vitalizes
  • vivifies

Meanings of damps

  • noun
    1. Moisture; humidity; dampness.
    2. Fog; fogginess; vapor.
    3. Dejection or depression; something that spoils a positive emotion (such as enjoyment, satisfaction, expectation or courage) or a desired activity.
    4. A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc.
  • verb
    1. To dampen; to make moderately wet.
    2. To put out, as fire; to weaken, restrain, or make dull.
    3. To suppress vibrations (mechanical) or oscillations (electrical) by converting energy to heat (or some other form of energy).

Example Sentences

  • The old cellar was prone to unpleasant damps during the rainy season.
  • He carefully stored the antique books away from the basement's damps.
  • The sudden change in temperature caused visible damps on the windowpanes.
  • The ancient tomb was affected by the persistent underground damps.
  • The wooden furniture in the attic showed signs of deterioration due to the constant damps.

On this page you'll find 174 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to damps, such as: absorb, advance, afflict, aid, allow, amplifies, aridity.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • allay
  • bedews
  • blunts
  • chill
  • cloud
  • cool
  • curb
  • damps
  • deadens
  • depress
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • discourage
  • drains
  • dull
  • dulls
  • exhausts
  • flushes
  • inhibit
  • moderate
  • moistens
  • mute
  • numbs
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • rinses
  • stifle
  • undermines
  • weakens
  • wears
  • wets


  • allay
  • anesthetize
  • appease
  • assuage
  • blunts
  • bolster
  • chill
  • choke
  • cloud
  • constrain
  • cool
  • curb
  • cut off
  • dampen
  • dampens
  • damps
  • debilitate
  • demolish
  • depress
  • desensitize
  • destroy
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • disable
  • discourage
  • dope
  • drains
  • dull
  • dulls
  • ease
  • enervates
  • enthrall
  • envelop
  • exhausts
  • fascinate
  • freeze
  • gag
  • halt
  • hush
  • hypnotize
  • incapacitate
  • inhibit
  • insulate
  • knock out
  • medicate
  • mitigate
  • moderate
  • mollify
  • muffle
  • mute
  • muzzle
  • numbs
  • pacify
  • poison
  • quash
  • quell
  • quiet
  • reduces
  • restrain
  • sap
  • sedate
  • silence
  • soft pedal
  • soften
  • soothe
  • squelch
  • stifle
  • stop
  • stun
  • stupefy
  • subdue
  • subsides
  • suppress
  • tone down
  • undermine
  • undermines
  • water down
  • weaken
  • weakens

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