
The word “dangling” has 2 syllables: dan-gling.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæŋɡəlɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for dangling?

In the thesaurus, “dangling” has 5 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for dangling along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dangling

  • drooping
  • hanging
  • pendant
  • suspended
  • swinging

Meanings of dangling

  • verb
    1. To hang loosely with the ability to swing.
    2. The action of performing a move or deke with the puck in order to get past a defender or goalie; perhaps because of the resemblance to dangling the puck on a string.
    3. To hang or trail something loosely.
    4. To trail or follow around.
    5. Of a patient: to be positioned with the legs hanging over the edge of the bed.
    6. To position (a patient) in this way.
  • noun
    1. The act of hanging something so that it can move freely; suspension.
    2. The act of following or trailing around.
    3. All out, open throttle, with all you have.
  • adjective
    1. Suspended from above.

Example Sentences

  • The keys were dangling from the hook by the door, just out of reach.
  • A strand of ivy was dangling from the tree branch, swaying gently in the breeze.
  • The thread was dangling from the hem of her dress, unnoticed until now.
  • A pair of shoes was dangling from the power line, a mysterious urban sight.
  • The spider's web was adorned with insects, each one dangling helplessly in the sticky silk.

On this page you'll find 5 synonyms or another words to dangling, such as: drooping, hanging, pendant, suspended, swinging.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • collapsing
  • dangling
  • decadence
  • decay
  • decaying
  • declination
  • decline
  • declining
  • decreasing
  • degeneracy
  • degeneration
  • degradation
  • descending
  • deterioration
  • devaluation
  • diminishing
  • dipping
  • downfall
  • downgrade
  • dropping
  • dying
  • ebbing
  • faltering
  • losing
  • lowering
  • pendant
  • pendent
  • perishing
  • plummeting
  • plunging
  • shrinking
  • sinking
  • sliding
  • slipping
  • straying
  • stumbling
  • subsiding
  • succumbing
  • surrendering
  • suspended
  • throwing
  • toppling
  • trespassing
  • tripping
  • tumbling
  • vanishing
  • wandering
  • weakening


  • adorn
  • beautify
  • bedeck
  • clothe
  • dangling
  • decorate
  • draping
  • embellish
  • festoon
  • festooning
  • mounting
  • pinning
  • projecting
  • stringing

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