
The word “dashes” has 2 syllables: dash-es.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæʃɪz/.

What is synonym and antonym for dashes?

In the thesaurus, “dashes” has 73 synonyms and 39 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dashes along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dashes

  • beat
  • bit
  • blasts
  • blows
  • bolt
  • bound
  • bowls
  • burdens
  • buzzes
  • chase
  • chases
  • concerns
  • dampen
  • dart
  • darts
  • depresses
  • disappoint
  • drives
  • flies
  • fling
  • flings
  • fly
  • gallop
  • gets down
  • hint
  • hurl
  • hurls
  • hurries
  • hurry
  • hurtle
  • jogs
  • jumps
  • lunge
  • oppresses
  • pinch
  • plunge
  • races
  • ruin
  • runs
  • rush
  • rushes
  • saddens
  • scamper
  • scoot
  • scoots
  • scurries
  • scurry
  • scuttles
  • shatter
  • shoot
  • skips
  • slam
  • smash
  • speeds
  • splashes
  • splatters
  • spoil
  • sprinkling
  • sprint
  • sprints
  • steps
  • tear
  • throw
  • throws
  • thwart
  • tortures
  • tosses
  • travels
  • trots
  • troubles
  • weighs down
  • worries
  • zips

Antonyms for dashes

  • aid
  • ambles
  • animates
  • assist
  • assures
  • brightens
  • buoys
  • comforts
  • consoles
  • crawls
  • creeps
  • dawdle
  • drags
  • encourage
  • enlivens
  • fix
  • grow
  • help
  • inspires
  • invigorates
  • lags
  • lightens
  • lingers
  • loiters
  • lose
  • lot
  • mend
  • pokes
  • reassures
  • rejoices
  • retreat
  • saunters
  • shuffles
  • slow
  • stay
  • stimulates
  • strolls
  • wait
  • walk

Meanings of dashes

  • noun
    1. Any of the following symbols: ‒ (figure dash), – (en dash), — (em dash), or ― (horizontal bar).
    2. (by extension) The longer of the two symbols of Morse code.
    3. A short run, flight.
    4. A rushing or violent onset.
    5. Violent strike; a whack.
    6. A small quantity of a liquid substance etc.; less than 1/8 of a teaspoon.
    7. (by extension) A slight admixture.
    8. Ostentatious vigor.
    9. A dashboard.
    10. (Liberia) A bribe or gratuity; a gift.
    11. A stand-in for a censored word, like "Devil" or "damn". (Compare deuce.).
  • verb
    1. To run quickly or for a short distance.
    2. To leave or depart.
    3. To destroy by striking (against).
    4. To throw violently.
    5. (sometimes figurative) To sprinkle; to splatter.
    6. To mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality.
    7. (of hopes or dreams) To ruin; to destroy.
    8. To dishearten; to sadden.
    9. To complete hastily, usually with down or off.
    10. To draw quickly; jot.

Example Sentences

  • She added a few dashes of salt to the soup to enhance the flavor.
  • The runner made quick dashes toward the finish line.
  • The chef garnished the dish with artistic dashes of sauce.
  • The horse made several swift dashes around the track during the race.
  • He used bold dashes of color to create contrast in his painting.

On this page you'll find 112 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dashes, such as: aid, ambles, animates, assist, assures, beat, bit.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • atoms
  • dashes
  • driblets
  • drops
  • flecks
  • fractions
  • fragments
  • grains
  • granules
  • halfpennies
  • licks
  • minims
  • mites
  • modicums
  • molecules
  • nutshells
  • ounces
  • particles
  • parts
  • patches
  • shreds
  • smatters
  • smidgeons
  • smidges
  • smidgins
  • snippets
  • spots
  • strains
  • streaks
  • suspicions
  • tastes
  • touches
  • whispers


  • atoms
  • dashes
  • driblets
  • flecks
  • fractions
  • grains
  • granules
  • iotas
  • licks
  • minims
  • mites
  • molecules
  • mouthfuls
  • nubbins
  • nutshells
  • ounces
  • particles
  • pinches
  • scraps
  • scruples
  • shreds
  • smidgens
  • whispers


  • atoms
  • dashes
  • driblets
  • flecks
  • fractions
  • grains
  • granules
  • iotas
  • licks
  • minims
  • mites
  • molecules
  • mouthfuls
  • nubbins
  • nutshells
  • ounces
  • particles
  • pinches
  • scraps
  • scruples
  • shreds
  • smidgens
  • whispers


  • atoms
  • dabs
  • dashes
  • driblets
  • flecks
  • fractions
  • fragments
  • grains
  • granules
  • halfpence
  • halfpennies
  • iotas
  • licks
  • minims
  • mites
  • molecules
  • motes
  • mouthfuls
  • nutshells
  • ounces
  • particles
  • parts
  • patches
  • scraps
  • shreds
  • smidgens
  • smidgeons
  • smidges
  • snippets
  • strains
  • streaks
  • tastes
  • titbits
  • touches
  • whispers


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