
The word “dashing” has 2 syllables: dash-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈdæʃɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for dashing?

In the thesaurus, “dashing” has 50 synonyms and 43 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dashing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dashing

  • adventurous
  • blowing
  • bold
  • bothering
  • brave
  • burdening
  • buzzing
  • chasing
  • concerning
  • dapper
  • daring
  • darting
  • debonair
  • dejecting
  • depressing
  • driving
  • fearless
  • flinging
  • flying
  • galloping
  • getting down
  • hurling
  • hurrying
  • jogging
  • jumping
  • oppressing
  • plucky
  • racing
  • running
  • rushing
  • saddening
  • scooting
  • scurrying
  • speeding
  • splashing
  • splattering
  • sprinting
  • stepping
  • stylish
  • swashbuckling
  • throwing
  • torturing
  • tossing
  • traveling
  • travelling
  • trotting
  • troubling
  • weighing down
  • worrying
  • zipping

Antonyms for dashing

  • afraid
  • ambling
  • animating
  • assuring
  • brightening
  • buoying
  • careful
  • cautious
  • comforting
  • consoling
  • coward
  • cowardly
  • craven
  • crawling
  • creeping
  • dawdling
  • dragging
  • enlivening
  • exciting
  • inspiring
  • invigorating
  • lagging
  • lightening
  • lingering
  • loitering
  • milky
  • poking
  • prudent
  • pusillanimous
  • reassuring
  • rejoicing
  • sauntering
  • shambling
  • shuffling
  • shy
  • soothing
  • stimulating
  • strolling
  • timid
  • timorous
  • unadventurous
  • unenterprising
  • wary

Meanings of dashing

  • verb
    1. To run quickly or for a short distance.
    2. To leave or depart.
    3. To destroy by striking (against).
    4. To throw violently.
    5. (sometimes figurative) To sprinkle; to splatter.
    6. To mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality.
    7. (of hopes or dreams) To ruin; to destroy.
    8. To dishearten; to sadden.
    9. To complete hastily, usually with down or off.
    10. To draw quickly; jot.
  • noun
    1. The action of the verb to dash.
  • adjective
    1. Spirited, audacious and full of high spirits.
    2. Chic, fashionable.

Example Sentences

  • The dashing young man caught everyone's attention as he entered the room.
  • She looked quite dashing in her elegant evening gown.
  • The knight rode off on his dashing white steed to rescue the princess.
  • His dashing smile charmed everyone he met.
  • The actor played the role of a dashing hero in the movie.

On this page you'll find 93 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dashing, such as: adventurous, afraid, ambling, animating, assuring, blowing, bold.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

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