
The word “data” has 2 syllables: da-ta.

It's pronounced as /ˈdeɪ.tə/.

What is synonym and antonym for data?

In the thesaurus, “data” has 10 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for data along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for data

  • dossier
  • evidence
  • goods
  • info
  • information
  • input
  • knowledge
  • picture
  • statistics
  • testimony

Meanings of data

  • noun
    1. (plural: data) A measurement of something on a scale understood by both the recorder (a person or device) and the reader (another person or device). The scale is arbitrarily defined, such as from 1 to 10 by ones, 1 to 100 by 0.1, or simply true or false, on or off, yes, no, or maybe, etc.
    2. (plural: data) A fact known from direct observation.
    3. (plural: data) A premise from which conclusions are drawn.
    4. (plural: datums) A fixed reference point, or a coordinate system.

Example Sentences

  • The scientist analyzed the data to draw meaningful conclusions about the experiment.
  • In today's digital age, data security is of utmost importance for businesses and individuals alike.
  • The survey collected extensive data on consumer preferences and behavior.
  • Access to reliable data is crucial for making informed decisions in the medical field.
  • The company uses advanced algorithms to process vast amounts of data and improve its services.

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms or another words to data, such as: dossier, evidence, goods, info, information, input, knowledge.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • articles
  • data
  • information


  • accomplishment
  • action
  • case
  • circumstance
  • comment
  • commentary
  • data
  • detail
  • diary
  • evidence
  • experience
  • fact
  • factor
  • incident
  • information
  • inscription
  • journal
  • letter
  • memorandum
  • message
  • missive
  • performance
  • phenomenon
  • remark
  • statistic
  • summary


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrage
  • bombardment
  • broadside
  • buzz
  • cannonade
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeat
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • flood
  • flurry
  • fusillade
  • gossip
  • hail
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outburst
  • outpouring
  • punishment
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvo
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • shower
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrent
  • visit
  • volley
  • whisper
  • word


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrages
  • bombardments
  • broadsides
  • buzz
  • cannonades
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeats
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • floods
  • flurries
  • fusillades
  • gossip
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outbursts
  • outpourings
  • punishment
  • rashes
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvoes
  • salvos
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • showers
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrents
  • visit
  • volleys
  • whisper
  • word


  • accomplishment
  • action
  • case
  • circumstance
  • data
  • detail
  • evidence
  • experience
  • factor
  • incident
  • information
  • law
  • matter
  • performance
  • phenomenon
  • reality
  • statistic
  • truth

Word List