
The word “daunted” has 2 syllables: daunt-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈdɔːntɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for daunted?

In the thesaurus, “daunted” has 35 synonyms and 27 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for daunted along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for daunted

  • ambivalent
  • anxious
  • appalled
  • apprehensive
  • bashful
  • cowed
  • crestfallen
  • demure
  • depressed
  • diffident
  • discouraged
  • dismayed
  • distressed
  • fearful
  • feeble
  • forlorn
  • frightened
  • frustrated
  • gentle
  • horrified
  • humble
  • intimidated
  • modest
  • nervous
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • pessimistic
  • scared
  • shocked
  • spooked
  • startled
  • suspicious
  • timid
  • unnerved
  • weak

Antonyms for daunted

  • able
  • adventurous
  • audacious
  • bold
  • brave
  • calm
  • cheered
  • comforted
  • conceited
  • courageous
  • daring
  • egotistical
  • encouraged
  • extroverted
  • fearless
  • gutsy
  • happy
  • loud
  • plucky
  • proud
  • spirited
  • strong
  • unabashed
  • unafraid
  • unfearful
  • unworried
  • venturesome

Meanings of daunted

  • verb
    1. To discourage, intimidate.
    2. To overwhelm.
  • adjective
    1. (Normally with a copular verb). Mildly afraid or worried by some upcoming situation.

Example Sentences

  • Daunted by the size of the mountain, she hesitated before beginning her climb.
  • Despite feeling daunted by the complexity of the task, he tackled it with determination.
  • The young entrepreneur was not daunted by the challenges of starting her own business.
  • The team's confidence was not daunted by their recent defeat, they were ready to bounce back stronger.
  • Even though he was daunted by the prospect of public speaking, he delivered his speech with poise and conviction.

On this page you'll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to daunted, such as: able, adventurous, ambivalent, anxious, appalled, apprehensive, audacious.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List