
The word “dawn” has 1 syllable: dawn.

It's pronounced as /dɔːn/.

What is synonym and antonym for dawn?

In the thesaurus, “dawn” has 24 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dawn along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dawn

  • advent
  • alpha
  • appear
  • arise
  • be
  • begin
  • beginning
  • birth
  • commence
  • commencement
  • dawning
  • day
  • daybreak
  • daylight
  • emerge
  • inception
  • loom
  • morn
  • morning
  • onset
  • originate
  • start
  • sunrise
  • unfold

Antonyms for dawn

  • afternoon
  • cease
  • close
  • conclusion
  • dark
  • darkness
  • end
  • ending
  • midnight
  • night
  • nightfall
  • period
  • stop
  • sundown
  • sunset

Meanings of dawn

  • noun
    1. The morning twilight period immediately before sunrise.
    2. The rising of the sun.
    3. The time when the sun rises.
    4. The earliest phase of something.
  • verb
    1. To begin to brighten with daylight.
    2. To start to appear or be realized.
    3. To begin to give promise; to begin to appear or to expand.

Example Sentences

  • Dawn broke over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange.
  • At the dawn of the digital age, many traditional industries faced significant disruptions.
  • She greeted each new day with optimism, seeing every dawn as a fresh opportunity.
  • The dawn of civilization marked the beginning of human history as we know it.
  • As the sun rose at dawn, the village slowly came to life with the sounds of people starting their day.

On this page you'll find 39 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dawn, such as: advent, afternoon, alpha, appear, arise, be, begin.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • arising
  • beginning
  • being
  • commencing
  • dawn
  • day
  • morn
  • morning
  • originating
  • starting
  • sunrise


  • advent
  • alphas
  • appears
  • arises
  • beginnings
  • begins
  • birth
  • commencements
  • commences
  • dawning
  • daybreak
  • daylight
  • days
  • emerges
  • inceptions
  • is
  • launches
  • loom
  • morning
  • mornings
  • morns
  • onsets
  • originates
  • starts
  • sunrises
  • unfold


day ones

  • alphas
  • beginning
  • beginnings
  • birth
  • commencements
  • creation
  • dawn
  • genesis
  • inauguration
  • inception
  • inceptions
  • introduction
  • kickoff
  • launches
  • onset
  • onsets
  • opening
  • outset
  • starting point
  • starts
  • top


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