
The word “daylight” has 2 syllables: day-light.

It's pronounced as /ˈdeɪˌlaɪt/.

What is synonym and antonym for daylight?

In the thesaurus, “daylight” has 13 synonyms and 15 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for daylight along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for daylight

Antonyms for daylight

  • afternoon
  • dark
  • darkness
  • delusion
  • dementia
  • derangement
  • insanity
  • madness
  • mania
  • midnight
  • night
  • nightfall
  • nighttime
  • sundown
  • sunset

Meanings of daylight

  • noun
    1. The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source.
    2. A light source that simulates daylight.
    3. (photometry) The intensity distribution of light over the visible spectrum generated by the Sun under various conditions or by other light sources intended to simulate natural daylight.
    4. The period of time between sunrise and sunset.
    5. Daybreak.
    6. Exposure to public scrutiny.
    7. A clear, open space.
    8. (machinery) The space between platens on a press or similar machinery.
    9. Emotional or psychological distance between people, or disagreement.
  • verb
    1. To expose to daylight.
    2. To provide sources of natural illumination such as skylights or windows.
    3. To allow light in, as by opening drapes.
    4. (landscaping) To run a drainage pipe to an opening from which its contents can drain away naturally.
    5. To gain exposure to the open.

Example Sentences

  • Daylight streamed through the window, illuminating the room with a warm glow.
  • The hikers reached the summit just as daylight began to break over the horizon.
  • It's safer to walk in well-lit areas during daylight to avoid potential hazards.
  • The nocturnal animals retreated to their dens as daylight approached.
  • The photographer captured the stunning landscape in the soft hues of daylight, highlighting its natural beauty.

On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to daylight, such as: afternoon, dark, darkness, dawn, dawning, day, daytime.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • advent
  • alpha
  • appear
  • arise
  • be
  • begin
  • beginning
  • birth
  • commence
  • commencement
  • dawning
  • day
  • daybreak
  • daylight
  • emerge
  • inception
  • loom
  • morn
  • morning
  • onset
  • originate
  • start
  • sunrise
  • unfold


  • advent
  • alphas
  • appears
  • arises
  • beginnings
  • begins
  • birth
  • commencements
  • commences
  • dawning
  • daybreak
  • daylight
  • days
  • emerges
  • inceptions
  • is
  • launches
  • loom
  • morning
  • mornings
  • morns
  • onsets
  • originates
  • starts
  • sunrises
  • unfold




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