
The word “dead” has 1 syllable: dead.

It's pronounced as /dɛd/.

What is synonym and antonym for dead?

In the thesaurus, “dead” has 99 synonyms and 70 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dead along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dead

  • absolute
  • absolutely
  • all
  • asleep
  • barren
  • beaten
  • bland
  • bleak
  • boring
  • buried
  • complete
  • completely
  • crashing
  • damn
  • damned
  • deadly
  • deadness
  • death
  • deceased
  • definite
  • defunct
  • desolate
  • done
  • doomed
  • dormant
  • drained
  • dying
  • entire
  • entirely
  • even
  • exactly
  • exhausted
  • extinct
  • fallen
  • fast
  • finished
  • flat
  • fully
  • gone
  • grave
  • idle
  • impoverished
  • inoperative
  • insensitive
  • insipid
  • late
  • lifeless
  • low
  • mortal
  • mortality
  • nonfunctional
  • nonfunctioning
  • numb
  • numbed
  • off
  • out
  • outright
  • perfect
  • perfectly
  • plain
  • poor
  • pure
  • quite
  • real
  • right
  • ruined
  • sheer
  • simple
  • slow
  • spectral
  • spiritless
  • straight
  • sunk
  • tasteless
  • thin
  • thoroughly
  • tired
  • total
  • totally
  • unalive
  • unanimated
  • unconditional
  • unfeeling
  • uninteresting
  • unresponsive
  • unused
  • utter
  • utterly
  • vacant
  • vanished
  • vapid
  • very
  • waste
  • weak
  • weary
  • well
  • wholly
  • wide
  • wooden

Antonyms for dead

  • active
  • alive
  • animate
  • animated
  • barely
  • breathing
  • bustling
  • busy
  • delicious
  • disgusting
  • distasteful
  • doubtful
  • dubious
  • employed
  • existence
  • existing
  • feeling
  • fertile
  • flavorful
  • flourishing
  • fresh
  • fruitful
  • functional
  • functioning
  • going
  • half
  • halfway
  • hardly
  • humming
  • indirectly
  • interesting
  • just
  • life
  • live
  • lively
  • living
  • loathsome
  • lush
  • on
  • operating
  • operational
  • operative
  • partially
  • partly
  • productive
  • qualified
  • questionable
  • quick
  • refreshed
  • rejuvenated
  • relaxed
  • rested
  • restricted
  • rich
  • savory
  • scarcely
  • sensitive
  • sickening
  • slightly
  • spirited
  • tasteful
  • tasty
  • thriving
  • unappetizing
  • uncertain
  • unpalatable
  • unwearied
  • vibrant
  • warm
  • working

Meanings of dead

  • noun
    1. (with "the", a demonstrative, or a possessive) Those who have died.
    2. (often with "the") Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.
    3. (usually plural) Sterile mining waste, often present as many large rocks stacked inside the workings.
  • verb
    1. To prevent by disabling; stop.
    2. To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.
    3. To kill.
  • adjective
    1. No longer living.
    2. Figuratively, not alive; lacking life.
    3. (of another person) So hated that they are absolutely ignored.
    4. Doomed; marked for death (literally or as a hyperbole).
    5. Without emotion.
    6. Stationary; static.
    7. Without interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.
    8. Unproductive.
    9. (of a machine, device, or electrical circuit) Completely inactive; currently without power; without a signal.
    10. (of a battery) Unable to emit power, being discharged (flat) or faulty.
    11. Broken or inoperable.
    12. No longer used or required.
    13. Not imparting motion or power by design.
    14. Not in play.
    15. (of a golf ball) Lying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next stroke.
    16. (1800s) Tagged out.
    17. Full and complete.
    18. Exact.
    19. Experiencing pins and needles (paresthesia).
    20. Constructed so as not to transmit sound; soundless.
    21. Bringing death; deadly.
    22. Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property.
    23. (often with "to") Indifferent to, no longer subject to or ruled by (sin, guilt, pleasure, etc).
  • adverb
    1. (degree) Exactly.
    2. (degree) Very, absolutely, extremely.
    3. Suddenly and completely.
    4. As if dead.

Example Sentences

  • Dead leaves covered the ground after the autumn storm.
  • The batteries in the remote control were dead, so I couldn't change the channel.
  • The silence in the forest was so complete, it felt like everything was dead.
  • The old car had been sitting in the garage for years and was now dead.
  • She stared at the dead screen of her phone, realizing it had run out of battery.

On this page you'll find 169 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dead, such as: absolute, absolutely, active, alive, all, animate, animated.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • broken
  • canceled
  • cancelled
  • collapsed
  • dead
  • demolished
  • destroyed
  • devastated
  • eradicated
  • erased
  • lost
  • obsolete
  • ravaged
  • repealed
  • ruined
  • shattered
  • smashed
  • wasted
  • wrecked



  • burden
  • cargo
  • deadweight
  • equilibrium
  • freight
  • lading
  • load
  • loading
  • payload


  • burdens
  • cargoes
  • cargos
  • deadweights
  • drafts
  • equilibrium
  • freights
  • loadings
  • loads
  • payloads
  • shipments
  • weights


  • adverse
  • cataclysmic
  • catastrophic
  • deadly
  • destructive
  • devastating
  • devastative
  • dire
  • disastrous
  • fatal
  • grievous
  • heartbreaking
  • lamentable
  • pernicious
  • regrettable
  • ruinous
  • unfavorable
  • unfortunate
  • woeful

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