
The word “deal” has 1 syllable: deal.

It's pronounced as /diːl/.

What is synonym and antonym for deal?

In the thesaurus, “deal” has 40 synonyms and 49 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for deal along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for deal

  • abundance
  • accord
  • agreement
  • appointment
  • arrangement
  • bargain
  • bunch
  • bundle
  • chunk
  • compromise
  • contract
  • convention
  • dozen
  • game
  • give
  • guarantee
  • handle
  • loads
  • lot
  • negotiate
  • opportunity
  • pact
  • participate
  • pile
  • pledge
  • plenty
  • quantity
  • raft
  • sale
  • sell
  • situation
  • slew
  • stack
  • status
  • steal
  • story
  • ton
  • trade
  • transaction
  • wealth

Antonyms for deal

  • ace
  • atom
  • bit
  • black
  • boycott
  • dab
  • denial
  • disagreement
  • dissension
  • dot
  • dram
  • fragment
  • glimmer
  • gouging
  • grain
  • handful
  • hint
  • lick
  • markup
  • mite
  • modicum
  • molecule
  • mouthful
  • nip
  • ounce
  • overcharge
  • particle
  • peanuts
  • pinch
  • pittance
  • ray
  • refusal
  • scrap
  • scruple
  • shade
  • shadow
  • shred
  • soaking
  • speck
  • spot
  • sprinkle
  • sprinkling
  • strain
  • streak
  • suspicion
  • taste
  • touch
  • trace
  • whit

Meanings of deal

  • noun
    1. A division, a portion, a share.
    2. (often followed by of) An indefinite quantity or amount; a lot (now usually qualified by great or good).
    3. An act of dealing or sharing out.
    4. The distribution of cards to players; a player's turn for this.
    5. A particular instance of buying or selling; a transaction.
    6. Specifically, a transaction offered which is financially beneficial; a bargain.
    7. An agreement between parties; an arrangement.
    8. A situation, occasion, or event.
    9. A thing, an unspecified or unidentified object.
    10. Wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir).
    11. A plank of softwood (fir or pine board).
    12. A wooden board or plank, usually between 12 or 14 feet in length, traded as a commodity in shipbuilding.
  • verb
    1. To distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one’s portion or share.
    2. To administer or give out, as in small portions.
    3. To distribute cards to the players in a game.
    4. To pitch.
    5. To have dealings or business.
    6. To conduct oneself, to behave.
    7. To take action; to act.
    8. To trade professionally (followed by in).
    9. To sell, especially to sell illicit drugs.
    10. To be concerned with.
    11. To handle, to manage, to cope.
  • adjective
    1. Made of deal.

Example Sentences

  • We managed to deal with the unexpected issue quickly and efficiently.
  • She got a great deal on her new car thanks to a holiday sale.
  • The company was able to deal with the customer complaints promptly.
  • It's important to understand the terms of the deal before signing any contract.
  • They will deal with the problem as soon as possible to avoid further complications.

On this page you'll find 89 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to deal, such as: abundance, accord, ace, agreement, appointment, arrangement, atom.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • arbitrary
  • authoritarian
  • categorical
  • clear
  • complete
  • conclusive
  • decisive
  • definite
  • definitive
  • determinate
  • determinative
  • dictatorial
  • exact
  • excellent
  • factual
  • flawless
  • full
  • genuine
  • ideal
  • infallible
  • infinite
  • last
  • oppressive
  • outright
  • perfect
  • prime
  • pure
  • sheer
  • simple
  • total
  • tyrannic
  • ultimate
  • unadulterated
  • unconditional
  • undeniable
  • unequivocal
  • unlimited
  • unmitigated
  • unqualified
  • unquestionable
  • utter


  • affluence
  • bounty
  • bunch
  • chunk
  • deal
  • dozen
  • loads
  • lot
  • myriad
  • pile
  • plenty
  • plethora
  • profusion
  • prosperity
  • quantity
  • riches
  • slew
  • ton
  • wealth


  • affluence
  • bounty
  • bunches
  • bundles
  • chunks
  • deals
  • dozen
  • dozens
  • hundreds
  • loads
  • lots
  • masses
  • myriad
  • piles
  • plenties
  • plenty
  • plethora
  • profusion
  • prosperity
  • quantities
  • rafts
  • riches
  • tons
  • wealth
  • wealths

ball game

  • battle
  • competition
  • conflict
  • confrontation
  • contention
  • deal
  • duel
  • match
  • rivalry
  • situation
  • status
  • story
  • struggle
  • war
  • warfare

ball games

  • battles
  • competitions
  • conflicts
  • confrontations
  • contentions
  • deals
  • duels
  • matches
  • pictures
  • rivalries
  • situations
  • struggles

Word List