
The word “dealing” has 2 syllables: deal-ing.

It's pronounced as /ˈdiː.lɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for dealing?

In the thesaurus, “dealing” has 66 synonyms and 10 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for dealing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for dealing

  • achievement
  • activity
  • affair
  • approach
  • attainment
  • attempt
  • bargain
  • bargaining
  • business
  • change
  • circulation
  • commerce
  • communication
  • conduct
  • contract
  • coup
  • deal
  • delivery
  • disposal
  • dissemination
  • doing
  • economics
  • employment
  • endeavor
  • enterprise
  • event
  • exchange
  • exploit
  • handling
  • industry
  • management
  • market
  • marketing
  • method
  • negotiating
  • negotiation
  • network
  • operation
  • pass
  • piracy
  • practice
  • procedure
  • proceeding
  • process
  • retailing
  • selling
  • sharing
  • smuggling
  • strategy
  • success
  • swap
  • trade
  • trading
  • traffic
  • trafficking
  • transaction
  • transfer
  • transport
  • transportation
  • triumph
  • trouble
  • truck
  • try
  • undertaking
  • while
  • work

Antonyms for dealing

  • blacking
  • boycotting
  • disagreement
  • hold
  • idleness
  • indolence
  • keeping
  • misunderstanding
  • retention
  • unemployment

Meanings of dealing

  • verb
    1. To distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one’s portion or share.
    2. To administer or give out, as in small portions.
    3. To distribute cards to the players in a game.
    4. To pitch.
    5. To have dealings or business.
    6. To conduct oneself, to behave.
    7. To take action; to act.
    8. To trade professionally (followed by in).
    9. To sell, especially to sell illicit drugs.
    10. To be concerned with.
    11. To handle, to manage, to cope.
  • noun
    1. (chiefly in the plural) A business transaction.
    2. One's manner of acting toward others; behaviour; interactions or relations with others.

Example Sentences

  • The manager is responsible for dealing with customer complaints and resolving issues.
  • She has a talent for dealing with stressful situations calmly and effectively.
  • The company is dealing with a supply chain disruption that is affecting production.
  • Dealing with complex negotiations requires patience and strong communication skills.
  • The seminar focused on strategies for dealing with difficult colleagues in the workplace.

On this page you'll find 76 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to dealing, such as: achievement, activity, affair, approach, attainment, attempt, bargain.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • affinities
  • beds
  • companies
  • companionships
  • dealings
  • fellowships
  • intimacies
  • kinships
  • leagues
  • mergers
  • rapports
  • solidarities
  • sympathies
  • unities


  • bargaining
  • dealing
  • dealings
  • dickering
  • negotiating
  • negotiation
  • trading
  • transaction



  • auctions
  • business
  • commerce
  • contract
  • deal
  • dealings
  • deals
  • economic
  • enterprise
  • exchange
  • financial
  • industry
  • manufacturing
  • market
  • monetary
  • profit-making
  • profitable
  • purchases
  • selling
  • trade
  • trading
  • traffic
  • transaction
  • transactions
  • wholesale

Word List