
The word “debasing” has 3 syllables: de-ba-sing.

It's pronounced as /dɪˈbeɪsɪŋ/.

What is synonym and antonym for debasing?

In the thesaurus, “debasing” has 48 synonyms and 52 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for debasing along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for debasing

  • abasement
  • barbaric
  • brazen
  • contempt
  • corrupting
  • debasement
  • debauching
  • degradation
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • destroying
  • deteriorating
  • diluting
  • discrediting
  • disgraceful
  • dishonor
  • disrespect
  • dust
  • egregious
  • flagrant
  • heinous
  • horrendous
  • horrible
  • humbling
  • humiliating
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • indecorous
  • infamy
  • inhuman
  • mortifying
  • opprobrium
  • perverted
  • perverting
  • poisoning
  • profane
  • reproach
  • scandalous
  • scorn
  • scurrilous
  • shocking
  • stigma
  • subverting
  • unbecoming
  • violent
  • wanton
  • weakening
  • wicked

Antonyms for debasing

  • acclaiming
  • acknowledging
  • admiration
  • aggrandizing
  • agreeable
  • amending
  • applauding
  • appreciation
  • approval
  • boasting
  • canonizing
  • celebrating
  • cheering
  • citing
  • clean
  • comfortable
  • commending
  • complimenting
  • congratulating
  • convenient
  • credit
  • decorating
  • deifying
  • elevating
  • elevation
  • enhancing
  • ennobling
  • enriching
  • esteem
  • eulogizing
  • exalting
  • extolling
  • gentle
  • hailing
  • honor
  • honoring
  • improving
  • lauding
  • mild
  • moral
  • praise
  • praising
  • priggish
  • prudish
  • puritanical
  • recognizing
  • regard
  • respect
  • saluting
  • touting
  • uplifting
  • victorian

Meanings of debasing

  • verb
    1. To lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade.
    2. To lower in position or rank.
    3. To lower the value of (a currency) by reducing the amount of valuable metal in the coins.

Example Sentences

  • The executive's unethical actions were seen as debasing the company's core values.
  • The film's portrayal of historical figures was criticized for debasing their contributions.
  • Critics argue that focusing solely on sensational news stories is debasing journalism.
  • The new regulations were accused of debasing the quality standards set by the industry.
  • The overemphasis on superficial aspects in the campaign was seen as debasing the political process.

On this page you'll find 100 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to debasing, such as: abasement, acclaiming, acknowledging, admiration, aggrandizing, agreeable, amending.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • corrupting
  • debasing
  • debauching
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • depraving
  • destroying
  • deteriorating
  • diluting
  • discrediting
  • disgracing
  • humiliating
  • perverting
  • poisoning
  • prostituting
  • subverting
  • weakening


  • corrupting
  • damaging
  • debasing
  • degrading
  • depraving
  • destroying
  • deteriorating
  • diluting
  • humiliating
  • perverting
  • poisoning
  • prostituting
  • subverting
  • weakening


  • abolish
  • annihilate
  • annul
  • avoid
  • blight
  • blighting
  • blunt
  • botch
  • botching
  • bruise
  • bungle
  • bypass
  • circumvent
  • confuse
  • conquer
  • counter
  • crush
  • curb
  • damage
  • debasing
  • debilitate
  • deceive
  • decrease
  • defeat
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • denting
  • destroy
  • destroying
  • diminish
  • evade
  • extinguish
  • flub
  • foil
  • frustrate
  • hamstringing
  • harm
  • hinder
  • humbling
  • humiliating
  • hurt
  • impair
  • impede
  • lacerating
  • lessen
  • mangling
  • mar
  • muddle
  • mutilating
  • negate
  • obstruct
  • offset
  • oppose
  • overcome
  • overturn
  • perturbing
  • prejudice
  • prevent
  • put down
  • quash
  • quench
  • reduce
  • reverse
  • ruin
  • scar
  • shaming
  • shatter
  • sidestep
  • silence
  • skirt
  • spoil
  • stain
  • stamp out
  • stifle
  • stop
  • stymie
  • subdue
  • subvert
  • sully
  • taint
  • tarnish
  • tarnishing
  • thwart
  • tormenting
  • torturing
  • undermine
  • undermining
  • weaken
  • wipe out
  • worsen
  • wounding
  • wreck
  • wrecking

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