
The word “debauchery” has 4 syllables: de-bauch-er-y.

It's pronounced as /dɪˈbɔːʃəri/.

What is synonym and antonym for debauchery?

In the thesaurus, “debauchery” has 15 synonyms and 8 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for debauchery along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for debauchery

  • carnality
  • corruption
  • corruptness
  • degradation
  • dissoluteness
  • evil
  • greed
  • hedonism
  • immorality
  • revelry
  • seduction
  • sensuality
  • sin
  • sinfulness
  • voluptuousness

Antonyms for debauchery

  • abstinence
  • good
  • goodness
  • morality
  • right
  • sobriety
  • temperance
  • virtue

Meanings of debauchery

  • noun
    1. Indulgence in sensual pleasures; scandalous activities involving sex, alcohol, or drugs without inhibition.
    2. Seduction from duty.

Example Sentences

  • The novel explores the consequences of excessive debauchery on a person's life and relationships.
  • Critics condemned the film for its portrayal of debauchery and moral decay.
  • The party was infamous for its debauchery, with guests indulging in every possible excess.
  • He looked back on his years of debauchery with a sense of regret and shame.
  • The city's reputation for debauchery often deterred more conservative visitors.

On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to debauchery, such as: abstinence, carnality, corruption, corruptness, degradation, dissoluteness, evil.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abomination
  • anathema
  • ban
  • banned
  • corruption
  • debauchery
  • degeneracy
  • depravity
  • embargo
  • forbidden
  • indecency
  • inhibition
  • limitation
  • no-no
  • outlawed
  • perversion
  • prohibited
  • prohibition
  • restriction
  • scurrility
  • stricture
  • superstition
  • suppression
  • tabu
  • unthinkable
  • veto


  • abomination
  • anathema
  • ban
  • banned
  • corruption
  • debauchery
  • degeneracy
  • depravity
  • embargo
  • forbidden
  • indecency
  • limitation
  • no-no
  • outlawed
  • perversion
  • prohibited
  • prohibition
  • restriction
  • scurrility
  • suppression
  • unthinkable
  • veto

Word List