
The word “earful” has 2 syllables: ear-ful.

It's pronounced as /ˈɪərfʊl/.

What is synonym and antonym for earful?

In the thesaurus, “earful” has 79 synonyms and 16 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for earful along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for earful

  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrage
  • bombardment
  • broadside
  • buzz
  • cannonade
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeat
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • flood
  • flurry
  • fusillade
  • gossip
  • hail
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outburst
  • outpouring
  • punishment
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvo
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • shower
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrent
  • visit
  • volley
  • whisper
  • word

Antonyms for earful

  • approval
  • drip
  • encouragement
  • endorsement
  • evidence
  • exoneration
  • heedlessness
  • ignorance
  • neglect
  • praise
  • proof
  • quiet
  • sanction
  • silence
  • trickle
  • truth

Meanings of earful

  • noun
    1. An angry reprimand, castigation or telling off.
    2. Intimate gossip.

Example Sentences

  • After the mishap, he received an earful from his disappointed supervisor.
  • The teenager got an earful from their parents for coming home late.
  • During the meeting, the manager gave the team an earful about the project's delays.
  • The employee received an earful from the client for the service shortcomings.
  • The teacher gave the chatty students an earful about the importance of focus in class.

On this page you'll find 95 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to earful, such as: admonition, advice, announcement, approval, argument, barrage, bombardment.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • aggravated
  • ambivalent
  • annoyed
  • bashful
  • bedeviled
  • bothered
  • demure
  • diffident
  • exasperated
  • fearful
  • feeble
  • frightened
  • frustrated
  • gentle
  • haggled
  • harassed
  • harried
  • hassled
  • humble
  • irritated
  • modest
  • nervous
  • peeved
  • persecuted
  • pestered
  • plagued
  • provoked
  • teased
  • tested
  • tormented
  • tortured
  • tried
  • vexed
  • weak


  • cowardice
  • cowardliness
  • fearfulness
  • gutlessness
  • pusillanimity


  • ambivalent
  • anxious
  • appalled
  • apprehensive
  • bashful
  • cowed
  • crestfallen
  • demure
  • depressed
  • diffident
  • discouraged
  • dismayed
  • distressed
  • fearful
  • feeble
  • forlorn
  • frightened
  • frustrated
  • gentle
  • horrified
  • humble
  • intimidated
  • modest
  • nervous
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • pessimistic
  • scared
  • shocked
  • spooked
  • startled
  • suspicious
  • timid
  • unnerved
  • weak


  • creepiness
  • fearfulness
  • fearsomeness
  • ghostliness
  • ghoulishness
  • scariness


  • fearful
  • scary
  • timid

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