
The word “echo” has 2 syllables: e-cho.

It's pronounced as /ˈɛkoʊ/.

What is synonym and antonym for echo?

In the thesaurus, “echo” has 27 synonyms and 7 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for echo along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for echo

  • follower
  • ghost
  • imitation
  • imitator
  • mirror
  • parallel
  • quote
  • recall
  • reflect
  • reflection
  • reiterate
  • relic
  • reminder
  • remnant
  • repeat
  • repetition
  • resonate
  • resound
  • respond
  • reverberate
  • reverberation
  • ring
  • rubber stamp
  • shadow
  • sound
  • trace
  • vestige

Antonyms for echo

Meanings of echo

  • noun
    1. A reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer.
    2. An utterance repeating what has just been said.
    3. A device in verse in which a line ends with a word which recalls the sound of the last word of the preceding line.
    4. Sympathetic recognition; response; answer.
    5. The displaying on the command line of the command that has just been executed.
    6. The letter E in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
    7. (whist) A signal, played in the same manner as a trump signal, made by a player who holds four or more trumps (or, as played by some, exactly three trumps) and whose partner has led trumps or signalled for trumps.
    8. (whist) A signal showing the number held of a plain suit when a high card in that suit is led by one's partner.
    9. The visual image formed by an echocardiograph.
    10. The use of ultrasound to produce images of the heart.
  • verb
    1. (of a sound or sound waves) To reflect off a surface and return.
    2. To reflect back (a sound).
    3. (by extension) To repeat (another's speech, opinion etc.).
    4. To repeat its input as input to some other device or system.
    5. (whist) To give the echo signal, informing one's partner about cards one holds.

Example Sentences

  • The canyon walls resounded with the haunting sound of an eerie echo.
  • As he shouted into the mountains, his voice came back to him in a distant echo.
  • The concert hall was designed to enhance the acoustics, creating a beautiful musical echo.
  • The laughter of children playing in the empty alley created a joyous echo.
  • His words seemed to linger in the silence, leaving a lingering echo of profound meaning.

On this page you'll find 34 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to echo, such as: damp, dampen, difference, dull, follower, ghost, imitation.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • act out
  • anticipate
  • assume
  • calculate
  • call
  • carry out
  • characterize
  • chronicle
  • clarify
  • comprehend
  • conceive
  • concoction
  • consider
  • construe
  • contemplate
  • decipher
  • define
  • depict
  • depicting
  • describe
  • describing
  • design
  • detail
  • determine
  • develop
  • devise
  • display
  • do
  • dream up
  • dreaming
  • echo
  • embody
  • enact
  • envisage
  • envision
  • envisioning
  • epitomize
  • estimate
  • exemplify
  • expect
  • explain
  • express
  • fabrication
  • feel
  • fiction
  • follow
  • forecast
  • foresee
  • formulate
  • get
  • give
  • grasp
  • guess
  • illustrate
  • imagining
  • imitate
  • incarnate
  • interpret
  • judge
  • know
  • label
  • manifest
  • mimic
  • name
  • originate
  • outline
  • paint
  • painting
  • perform
  • personify
  • picturing
  • portray
  • portraying
  • predict
  • produce
  • propose
  • read
  • realize
  • recognize
  • recount
  • reflecting
  • regard
  • render
  • rendering
  • report
  • represent
  • reproduce
  • see
  • seeing
  • sketch
  • solve
  • specify
  • symbolize
  • take
  • tell
  • term
  • think
  • translate
  • typify
  • understand
  • view
  • visualization
  • visualize
  • visualizing


  • appealing
  • battered
  • broken-down
  • creaky
  • dilapidated
  • dulcet
  • echoing
  • feeble
  • flimsy
  • frail
  • infirm
  • melodic
  • ramshackle
  • resonant
  • rhythmic
  • rhythmical
  • rickety
  • run down
  • seedy
  • shabby
  • shaking
  • shivering
  • sonorous
  • trembling
  • trilling
  • warbling


  • bang
  • buzz
  • chimed
  • circle
  • clang
  • clap
  • echoed
  • enclose
  • jingled
  • punch
  • resonate
  • resound
  • reverberate
  • sound
  • surround

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