
The word “effects” has 2 syllables: ef-fects.

It's pronounced as /ɪˈfɛkts/.

What is synonym and antonym for effects?

In the thesaurus, “effects” has 9 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for effects along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for effects

  • belongings
  • brings
  • causes
  • creates
  • generates
  • possession
  • prompts
  • stuff
  • things

Antonyms for effects

  • controls
  • impedes
  • limits
  • real estate
  • restricts

Meanings of effects

  • noun
    1. The result or outcome of a cause.
    2. Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.
    3. Execution; performance; realization; operation.
    4. An illusion produced by technical means (as in "special effect").
    5. (sound engineering) An alteration, or device for producing an alteration, in sound after it has been produced by an instrument.
    6. (etc.) A scientific phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer.
    7. (usually in the plural) Belongings, usually as personal effects.
    8. Consequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; with to.
    9. Reality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere appearance.
    10. Manifestation; expression; sign.
  • verb
    1. To make or bring about; to implement.

Example Sentences

  • The film's special effects were truly spectacular, enhancing the viewing experience.
  • Climate change is having devastating effects on ecosystems around the world.
  • The doctor warned about the potential side effects of the medication.
  • Economic policies can have far-reaching effects on a country's prosperity.
  • She studied the psychological effects of social media on adolescents for her research project.

On this page you'll find 14 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to effects, such as: belongings, brings, causes, controls, creates, generates, impedes.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • consequences
  • effects
  • outcomes
  • precipitates
  • products
  • resultants
  • results


  • air
  • allow
  • appearances
  • aspect
  • birds
  • bodies
  • borders
  • challenge
  • cheek
  • clothes
  • confront
  • confronts
  • countenances
  • creatures
  • deal with
  • effects
  • encases
  • encounter
  • encounters
  • endure
  • experience
  • expressions
  • exteriors
  • facades
  • façades
  • features
  • fight
  • finish
  • front
  • fronts
  • frowns
  • grimaces
  • guys
  • humans
  • image
  • impressions
  • individuals
  • light
  • lives
  • look
  • looks
  • mask
  • meet
  • meets
  • men
  • mouths
  • names
  • oppose
  • overlooks
  • people
  • presences
  • resemblances
  • risk
  • run into
  • scowls
  • smiles
  • suffer
  • surface
  • surfaces
  • take
  • things
  • top
  • visages
  • watch


  • blowbacks
  • by-products
  • byproducts
  • offshoots
  • repercussions
  • ripples
  • side effects
  • side reactions
  • spin-offs


  • apparatus
  • appliance
  • automobile
  • automobiles
  • betters
  • buses
  • busses
  • carries out
  • carries through
  • cars
  • effects
  • engine
  • engines
  • enhances
  • enriches
  • gadget
  • improves
  • instrument
  • machinery
  • meliorates
  • motor
  • performs
  • refines
  • shines
  • structure
  • system
  • tool
  • vehicle
  • wheels


  • announce
  • appearances
  • appoint
  • appoints
  • assigns
  • brand
  • call
  • calls
  • celebrities
  • character
  • chooses
  • cite
  • cites
  • constitutes
  • decides
  • declare
  • designate
  • designates
  • details
  • dignitaries
  • dub
  • dubs
  • effects
  • elect
  • epithets
  • faces
  • figures
  • flag
  • identify
  • impressions
  • indicates
  • instances
  • insults
  • label
  • labels
  • list
  • make
  • mention
  • mentions
  • monikers
  • nickname
  • nicknames
  • nomenclatures
  • nominate
  • nominates
  • note
  • notes
  • notices
  • offences
  • opts
  • outrages
  • personalities
  • personality
  • picks
  • places
  • quotes
  • recognize
  • refer to
  • reputation
  • reputations
  • reputes
  • sarcasms
  • select
  • selects
  • sets
  • sign
  • signature
  • single out
  • specifies
  • star
  • stars
  • style
  • styles
  • suggest
  • term
  • terms
  • titles

Word List