
The word “egregious” has 4 syllables: e-gre-gi-ous.

It's pronounced as /ɪˈɡriːdʒəs/.

What is synonym and antonym for egregious?

In the thesaurus, “egregious” has 14 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for egregious along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for egregious

  • atrocious
  • blatant
  • deplorable
  • extreme
  • flagrant
  • glaring
  • grievous
  • gross
  • heinous
  • intolerable
  • nefarious
  • obvious
  • scandalous
  • shocking

Antonyms for egregious

  • concealed
  • good
  • hidden
  • imperceptible
  • inconsequential
  • inconspicuous
  • insignificant
  • mild
  • slight
  • small
  • trifling
  • trivial
  • unobtrusive

Meanings of egregious

  • adjective
    1. Usually in a negative sense: conspicuous, exceptional, outstanding.
    2. Outrageously bad; shocking.

Example Sentences

  • The company's egregious failure to follow safety protocols led to a major accident.
  • His egregious error in judgment was evident when he ignored all the warnings.
  • The politician's egregious behavior caused public outrage and led to his resignation.
  • The coach was criticized for his egregious misconduct during the game.
  • The report highlighted the egregious discrepancies in the financial statements.

On this page you'll find 27 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to egregious, such as: atrocious, blatant, concealed, deplorable, extreme, flagrant, glaring.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • abasement
  • barbaric
  • brazen
  • contempt
  • corrupting
  • debasement
  • debauching
  • degradation
  • degrading
  • demeaning
  • destroying
  • deteriorating
  • diluting
  • discrediting
  • disgraceful
  • dishonor
  • disrespect
  • dust
  • egregious
  • flagrant
  • heinous
  • horrendous
  • horrible
  • humbling
  • humiliating
  • humiliation
  • ignominy
  • indecorous
  • infamy
  • inhuman
  • mortifying
  • opprobrium
  • perverted
  • perverting
  • poisoning
  • profane
  • reproach
  • scandalous
  • scorn
  • scurrilous
  • shocking
  • stigma
  • subverting
  • unbecoming
  • violent
  • wanton
  • weakening
  • wicked

Word List