
The word “fabricated” has 4 syllables: fab-ri-cat-ed.

It's pronounced as /ˈfæbrɪˌkeɪtɪd/.

What is synonym and antonym for fabricated?

In the thesaurus, “fabricated” has 86 synonyms and 59 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fabricated along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fabricated

  • abnormal
  • abstract
  • allegorical
  • apocryphal
  • assembled
  • assumed
  • baseless
  • bizarre
  • bogus
  • built
  • chimeric
  • chimerical
  • completed
  • concocted
  • constructed
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • created
  • deceptive
  • designed
  • devised
  • distorted
  • excessive
  • extravagant
  • fabled
  • fabulous
  • false
  • fanciful
  • fantastical
  • farfetched
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • gratuitous
  • groundless
  • hollow
  • hyperbolic
  • illogical
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • incredible
  • inflated
  • invented
  • legendary
  • lied
  • made
  • made-up
  • magnified
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • mass-produced
  • melodramatic
  • misleading
  • mock
  • mythic
  • mythical
  • odd
  • outlandish
  • outrageous
  • overblown
  • overwrought
  • perverse
  • phony
  • preposterous
  • pretentious
  • produced
  • sham
  • shaped
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • stilted
  • storied
  • strange
  • stylized
  • unjustified
  • unproven
  • unreal
  • unrealistic
  • unsubstantiated
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • unusual
  • unwarranted
  • whimsical
  • wrong

Antonyms for fabricated

  • actual
  • asserted
  • authentic
  • believable
  • called-for
  • calm
  • cloned
  • common
  • confirmed
  • copied
  • correct
  • demolished
  • destroyed
  • disassembled
  • dismantled
  • dismembered
  • duplicated
  • existent
  • factual
  • familiar
  • flattened
  • frank
  • genuine
  • historical
  • honest
  • imitated
  • justified
  • knocked down
  • leveled
  • levelled
  • mimicked
  • moderate
  • natural
  • normal
  • pulverized
  • real
  • real-world
  • realistic
  • reasonable
  • regular
  • replicated
  • reproduced
  • right
  • ruined
  • sensible
  • shattered
  • sincere
  • smashed
  • standard
  • straight
  • struck
  • testified
  • took down
  • tore down
  • true
  • truthful
  • usual
  • warranted
  • wrecked

Meanings of fabricated

  • verb
    1. To form into a whole by uniting its parts; to construct; to build.
    2. To form by art and labor; to manufacture; to produce.
    3. To invent and form; to forge; to devise falsely.
    4. To cut up an animal as preparation for cooking, particularly used in reference to fowl.
  • adjective
    1. Constructed or assembled.
    2. False in the sense of made-up, constructed.

Example Sentences

  • The detective discovered that the alibi provided by the suspect was completely fabricated.
  • The conspiracy theories circulating online were found to be baseless and fabricated.
  • Engineers faced challenges when dealing with fabricated components that did not meet specifications.
  • The journalist was reprimanded for publishing a fabricated story without proper verification.
  • In the courtroom, the witness admitted to having fabricated details to mislead the investigation.

On this page you'll find 145 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fabricated, such as: abnormal, abstract, actual, allegorical, apocryphal, assembled, asserted.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • affected
  • artificial
  • assume
  • bogus
  • concoct
  • counterfeit
  • deception
  • devise
  • dodge
  • double
  • dummy
  • evade
  • exaggerated
  • fabricate
  • fabricated
  • fabrication
  • fake out
  • faker
  • false
  • faux
  • feign
  • fictitious
  • forge
  • forged
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fraudulent
  • hoax
  • hollow
  • imitation
  • imposter
  • impostor
  • improvise
  • lip
  • manufacture
  • meaningless
  • mechanical
  • mock
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretender
  • pseudo
  • put on
  • scam
  • sham
  • simulate
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • strained
  • superficial
  • synthetic
  • trick
  • unnatural


  • alleged
  • apocryphal
  • assumed
  • bogus
  • claimed
  • concocted
  • copied
  • counterfeit
  • counterfeited
  • created
  • devised
  • dodged
  • evaded
  • fabricated
  • fake
  • faked out
  • false
  • fanciful
  • feigned
  • fictional
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • imaginary
  • imagined
  • improvised
  • made-up
  • make believe
  • manufactured
  • misleading
  • mythical
  • offhand
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretended
  • pseudo
  • purported
  • sham
  • simulated
  • specious
  • spontaneous
  • spurious
  • unreal
  • unscripted


  • assumes
  • bogus
  • concocts
  • counterfeit
  • counterfeits
  • deception
  • devises
  • dodges
  • evades
  • fabricate
  • fabricated
  • fabrication
  • fakers
  • fakes out
  • feign
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • forgery
  • forges
  • frauds
  • fraudulent
  • hoax
  • hoaxes
  • imposters
  • improvises
  • jukes
  • manufactures
  • mock
  • phony
  • pretenders
  • pretends
  • put on
  • scam
  • sham
  • shams
  • simulates
  • spurious
  • trick


  • affected
  • artificial
  • bogus
  • contrived
  • counterfeit
  • deceitful
  • deceptive
  • dishonest
  • distorted
  • dummy
  • erroneous
  • exaggerated
  • fabricated
  • fake
  • fanciful
  • faulty
  • faux
  • fictitious
  • forged
  • fraudulent
  • hollow
  • imitation
  • improper
  • inaccurate
  • incorrect
  • invalid
  • malicious
  • mechanical
  • misleading
  • mistaken
  • mock
  • phony
  • pseudo
  • simulated
  • specious
  • spurious
  • strained
  • synthetic
  • traitorous
  • treacherous
  • unfounded
  • unnatural
  • unreal
  • unreliable
  • untrue
  • untruthful
  • wrong


  • abstract
  • campy
  • comic
  • distorted
  • dramatic
  • exaggerated
  • excessive
  • extravagant
  • fabricated
  • false
  • farfetched
  • flamboyant
  • frenzied
  • histrionical
  • hyperbolic
  • inflated
  • magnified
  • maudlin
  • mawkish
  • melodramatic
  • operatic
  • overblown
  • overemotional
  • overwrought
  • preposterous
  • pretentious
  • sensational
  • sentimental
  • showy
  • stagy
  • stylized
  • theatric
  • theatrical
  • unrealistic

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