
The word “fabrication” has 4 syllables: fab-ri-ca-tion.

It's pronounced as /ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃən/.

What is synonym and antonym for fabrication?

In the thesaurus, “fabrication” has 14 synonyms and 5 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fabrication along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fabrication

  • deceit
  • falsehood
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • figment
  • forgery
  • invention
  • lie
  • myth
  • novel
  • phantasy
  • story
  • tale
  • untruth

Antonyms for fabrication

  • fact
  • materiality
  • nonfiction
  • reality
  • truth

Meanings of fabrication

  • noun
    1. The act of fabricating, framing, or constructing; construction; manufacture.
    2. That which is fabricated; a falsehood.
    3. The act of cutting up an animal carcass as preparation for cooking; butchery.

Example Sentences

  • The detective exposed the elaborate fabrication behind the supposed eyewitness account.
  • The court dismissed the case due to the lack of evidence supporting the alleged fabrication.
  • The company's success was built on the quality and precision of its product fabrication.
  • Her reputation suffered a blow when the media uncovered the fabrication in her autobiography.
  • Engineers conducted rigorous tests to ensure the reliability of the metal fabrication used in the construction project.

On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fabrication, such as: deceit, fact, falsehood, fantasy, fiction, figment, forgery.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrage
  • bombardment
  • broadside
  • buzz
  • cannonade
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeat
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • flood
  • flurry
  • fusillade
  • gossip
  • hail
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outburst
  • outpouring
  • punishment
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvo
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • shower
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrent
  • visit
  • volley
  • whisper
  • word


  • admonition
  • advice
  • announcement
  • argument
  • barrages
  • bombardments
  • broadsides
  • buzz
  • cannonades
  • censure
  • chatter
  • chitchat
  • clue
  • comment
  • condemnation
  • conference
  • consultation
  • conversation
  • data
  • deliberation
  • dialogue
  • directive
  • disapproval
  • discovery
  • drumbeats
  • epiphany
  • fabrication
  • falsehood
  • floods
  • flurries
  • fusillades
  • gossip
  • hearsay
  • hoax
  • info
  • information
  • innuendo
  • instruction
  • intelligence
  • interview
  • knowledge
  • leak
  • letter
  • lie
  • material
  • meeting
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • message
  • negotiation
  • news
  • note
  • notice
  • outbursts
  • outpourings
  • punishment
  • rashes
  • rebuff
  • report
  • reproach
  • rumor
  • salvoes
  • salvos
  • scandal
  • science
  • seminar
  • showers
  • slander
  • snub
  • speech
  • story
  • suggestion
  • symposium
  • tale
  • tip
  • torrents
  • visit
  • volleys
  • whisper
  • word


  • allegories
  • fabrications
  • fantasies
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • fictions
  • inventions
  • legend
  • legends
  • lies
  • myth
  • myths
  • parable
  • parables
  • phantasies
  • stories
  • tale
  • tales
  • yarn


  • affected
  • artificial
  • assume
  • bogus
  • concoct
  • counterfeit
  • deception
  • devise
  • dodge
  • double
  • dummy
  • evade
  • exaggerated
  • fabricate
  • fabricated
  • fabrication
  • fake out
  • faker
  • false
  • faux
  • feign
  • fictitious
  • forge
  • forged
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fraudulent
  • hoax
  • hollow
  • imitation
  • imposter
  • impostor
  • improvise
  • lip
  • manufacture
  • meaningless
  • mechanical
  • mock
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretender
  • pseudo
  • put on
  • scam
  • sham
  • simulate
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • strained
  • superficial
  • synthetic
  • trick
  • unnatural


  • charade
  • cheating
  • cloak
  • cover-up
  • cunning
  • deceit
  • deceitfulness
  • deception
  • deceptiveness
  • dishonesty
  • distortion
  • fabrication
  • fallacy
  • falsity
  • farce
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • hypocrisy
  • misstatement
  • mockery
  • perjury
  • pretext
  • prevarication
  • semblance
  • sham
  • tall tale
  • travesty
  • untruth
  • veneer

Word List