
The word “facilely” has 3 syllables: fa-cile-ly.

It's pronounced as /ˈfæsɪli/.

What is synonym and antonym for facilely?

In the thesaurus, “facilely” has 43 synonyms and 13 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for facilely along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for facilely

  • ably
  • adroitly
  • aptly
  • artfully
  • calmly
  • carefully
  • cheerfully
  • cleverly
  • comfortably
  • conveniently
  • coolly
  • deftly
  • deliberately
  • eagerly
  • easily
  • easy
  • efficiently
  • effortlessly
  • expertly
  • freely
  • gladly
  • handily
  • immediately
  • ingeniously
  • intelligently
  • judiciously
  • keenly
  • knowingly
  • liberally
  • neatly
  • nimbly
  • promptly
  • quickly
  • readily
  • regularly
  • simply
  • skillfully
  • slyly
  • smartly
  • smoothly
  • surely
  • well
  • willingly

Antonyms for facilely

  • arduously
  • awkwardly
  • clumsily
  • difficultly
  • grudgingly
  • hardly
  • ineptly
  • insufficiently
  • laboriously
  • strenuously
  • thoroughly
  • unskillfully
  • unwillingly

Example Sentences

  • She facilely completed the intricate puzzle in record time.
  • The musician facilely moved between genres, showcasing his versatile talent.
  • He facilely navigated the complex software interface without any hesitation.
  • The speaker facilely addressed the diverse audience, connecting with each demographic.
  • The chef facilely crafted a delicious dish, effortlessly combining flavors and textures.

On this page you'll find 56 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to facilely, such as: ably, adroitly, aptly, arduously, artfully, awkwardly, calmly.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List