
The word “factory” has 3 syllables: fac-to-ry.

It's pronounced as /ˈfæk.tər.i/.

What is synonym and antonym for factory?

In the thesaurus, “factory” has 10 synonyms.

Here are synonyms for factory along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for factory

  • branch
  • cooperative
  • firm
  • industry
  • laboratory
  • mill
  • plant
  • shop
  • works
  • workshop

Meanings of factory

  • noun
    1. A trading establishment, especially set up by merchants working in a foreign country.
    2. The position or state of being a factor.
    3. A building or other place where manufacturing takes place.
    4. A device which produces or manufactures something.
    5. A factory farm.
    6. In a computer program or library, a function, method, etc. which creates an object.
    7. A police station.
  • adjective
    1. (of a configuration, part, etc.) Having come from the factory in the state it is currently in; original, stock.

Example Sentences

  • The old factory stood as a silent reminder of the town's industrial past.
  • Workers at the chocolate factory were skilled in crafting delicious treats.
  • Environmental regulations required the manufacturing factory to implement cleaner technologies.
  • The bustling textile factory produced fabrics that were shipped worldwide.
  • The automotive factory implemented new automation processes to increase efficiency.

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms or another words to factory, such as: branch, cooperative, firm, industry, laboratory, mill, plant.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • adequate
  • common
  • decent
  • fair
  • fine
  • good
  • okay
  • respectable
  • satisfactory
  • sufficient
  • tolerable


  • about
  • absolute
  • adequate
  • almost
  • attractive
  • bazaar
  • beautiful
  • blond
  • blonde
  • bright
  • calm
  • candid
  • celebration
  • charming
  • civil
  • clean
  • clear
  • common
  • complete
  • courteous
  • cute
  • damn
  • damned
  • decent
  • definite
  • deserved
  • display
  • equal
  • equitable
  • ethical
  • exhibit
  • exhibition
  • fairly
  • favorable
  • festival
  • gala
  • generous
  • good
  • gorgeous
  • handsome
  • honest
  • honorable
  • immaculate
  • impartial
  • indifferent
  • justified
  • lawful
  • legal
  • legally
  • legitimate
  • light
  • lovely
  • market
  • mediocre
  • medium
  • middling
  • moral
  • most
  • nearly
  • neutral
  • nice
  • objective
  • optimistic
  • ordinary
  • outright
  • pageant
  • pale
  • paled
  • pallid
  • perfect
  • practically
  • pretty
  • principled
  • pristine
  • promising
  • proper
  • pure
  • real
  • reasonable
  • satisfactory
  • sheer
  • show
  • simple
  • sincere
  • straightforward
  • stunning
  • sunny
  • thorough
  • total
  • trustworthy
  • unbiased
  • unconditional
  • utter
  • very


  • acceptable
  • adequate
  • decent
  • dull
  • fine
  • good
  • inferior
  • intermediate
  • mediocre
  • middling
  • okay
  • ordinary
  • passable
  • reasonable
  • respectable
  • run-of-the-mill
  • satisfactory
  • second-rate
  • so-so
  • undistinguished
  • uninspired


  • adequate
  • attractive
  • bazaar
  • calm
  • candid
  • celebration
  • civil
  • clean
  • clear
  • courteous
  • decent
  • display
  • displays
  • equal
  • equitable
  • exhibit
  • exhibitions
  • exhibits
  • favorable
  • festival
  • gala
  • generous
  • good
  • honest
  • honorable
  • impartial
  • lawful
  • legitimate
  • market
  • neutral
  • objective
  • pageant
  • principled
  • proper
  • reasonable
  • satisfactory
  • show
  • sincere
  • straightforward
  • trustworthy
  • unbiased


  • acceptable
  • alright
  • excellent
  • exceptional
  • favorable
  • fine
  • great
  • marvelous
  • ok
  • okay
  • positive
  • satisfactory
  • satisfying
  • superb
  • valuable
  • wonderful

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