
The word “fags” has 1 syllable: fags.

It's pronounced as /fæɡz/.

What is synonym and antonym for fags?

In the thesaurus, “fags” has 46 synonyms and 35 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fags along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fags

  • annoy
  • bore
  • depress
  • deteriorate
  • disable
  • disgust
  • dishearten
  • dispirit
  • displease
  • drain
  • drains
  • dwindle
  • exasperate
  • exhaust
  • exhausts
  • fade
  • fail
  • faint
  • fatigue
  • frazzle
  • impoverish
  • irk
  • irritate
  • jade
  • kills
  • labors
  • overwork
  • rot
  • sap
  • slaves
  • smoke
  • strives
  • struggles
  • suffer
  • tire
  • tire out
  • tires
  • use up
  • weaken
  • wear
  • wear out
  • wears
  • weary
  • wither
  • works
  • worry

Antonyms for fags

  • activates
  • aid
  • assist
  • breaks
  • build
  • bums
  • calm
  • cheer
  • chills
  • comfort
  • dallies
  • delight
  • develop
  • enable
  • encourage
  • energize
  • energizes
  • excite
  • goldbricks
  • grow
  • help
  • idles
  • invigorate
  • lazes
  • lets up
  • loafs
  • lounges
  • make happy
  • please
  • refresh
  • shirks
  • slackens
  • soothe
  • strengthen
  • strengthens

Meanings of fags

  • noun
    1. In textile inspections, a rough or coarse defect in the woven fabric.
    2. (dated in US and Canada) A cigarette.
    3. The worst part or end of a thing.
    4. A chore: an arduous and tiresome task.
    5. A younger student acting as a servant for senior students.
    6. (usually offensive, sometimes affectionate) A homosexual man, especially (usually derogatory) an especially effeminate or unusual one.
    7. An annoying person.

Example Sentences

  • In some regions, "fags" is considered an offensive term for cigarettes.
  • He always keeps a pack of fags in his pocket for his smoking breaks.
  • Many people are trying to quit smoking and are turning away from fags altogether.
  • The doctor advised him to quit smoking and avoid fags to improve his health.
  • The warning labels on fags remind consumers of the health risks associated with smoking.

On this page you'll find 81 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fags, such as: activates, aid, annoy, assist, bore, breaks, build.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Word List