
The word “failed” has 1 syllable: failed.

It's pronounced as /feɪld/.

What is synonym and antonym for failed?

In the thesaurus, “failed” has 43 synonyms and 44 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for failed along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for failed

  • abortive
  • bankrupt
  • bombed
  • broke
  • collapsed
  • crashed
  • deficient
  • destitute
  • died
  • disappointed
  • disappointing
  • disastrous
  • doomed
  • faded
  • failing
  • flopped
  • foiled
  • folded
  • forgot
  • fruitless
  • futile
  • ill-fated
  • inadequate
  • indebted
  • ineffective
  • ineffectual
  • insolvent
  • losing
  • missed
  • neglected
  • omitted
  • sagged
  • sank
  • stalled
  • strapped
  • struggled
  • sunk
  • thwarted
  • unsuccessful
  • useless
  • vain
  • weakened
  • went

Antonyms for failed

  • archetypal
  • classic
  • clicked
  • contented
  • definitive
  • delivered
  • did
  • effective
  • effectual
  • executed
  • exemplary
  • fruitful
  • fulfilled
  • going
  • gratified
  • hopeful
  • ideal
  • kept
  • lucky
  • model
  • observed
  • paradigmatic
  • perfect
  • performed
  • productive
  • profitable
  • quintessential
  • rallied
  • rebounded
  • recovered
  • recuperated
  • remembered
  • rich
  • satisfied
  • solvent
  • special
  • succeeded
  • successful
  • unique
  • useful
  • wealthy
  • went
  • went over
  • worked out

Meanings of failed

  • verb
    1. To be unsuccessful.
    2. Not to achieve a particular stated goal. (Usage note: The direct object of this word is usually an infinitive.).
    3. To neglect.
    4. Of a machine, etc.: to cease to operate correctly.
    5. To be wanting to, to be insufficient for, to disappoint, to desert.
    6. To receive one or more non-passing grades in academic pursuits.
    7. To give a student a non-passing grade in an academic endeavour.
    8. To miss attaining; to lose.
    9. To be wanting; to fall short; to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence.
    10. To be affected with want; to come short; to lack; to be deficient or unprovided; used with of.
    11. To fall away; to become diminished; to decline; to decay; to sink.
    12. To deteriorate in respect to vigour, activity, resources, etc.; to become weaker.
    13. To perish; to die; used of a person.
    14. To err in judgment; to be mistaken.
    15. To become unable to meet one's engagements; especially, to be unable to pay one's debts or discharge one's business obligation; to become bankrupt or insolvent.
  • adjective
    1. Unsuccessful.
    2. Decayed; worn out.
    3. Bankrupt.

Example Sentences

  • Despite numerous attempts, the experiment failed to produce the desired results.
  • The company's latest product failed to meet market expectations, leading to a decline in sales.
  • He felt disheartened when his plans failed to materialize as he had hoped.
  • The student was disappointed when he failed to pass the driving test on his first attempt.
  • The government's efforts to negotiate a peace agreement with the rebel group ultimately failed, prolonging the conflict.

On this page you'll find 87 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to failed, such as: abortive, archetypal, bankrupt, bombed, broke, classic, clicked.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • failed
  • fruitless
  • futile
  • unsuccessful


  • bleached
  • brightened
  • decayed
  • disappeared
  • dull
  • dulled
  • failed
  • light
  • melted
  • pale
  • run down
  • sagged
  • sank
  • seedy
  • shabby
  • sunk
  • tacky
  • tattered
  • threadbare
  • vanished
  • weakened
  • went
  • worn

fallen flat

  • abort
  • backfire
  • baffle
  • break down
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collapsed
  • collide
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • deceive
  • decline
  • disconcert
  • disenchant
  • dishearten
  • disillusion
  • dissatisfy
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • dumbfound
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall through
  • fallen short
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • hamper
  • hurtle
  • laid an egg
  • meet
  • misfire
  • mislead
  • missed
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • topple
  • tumble
  • washed out

fallen short

  • abate
  • abort
  • atrophy
  • backfire
  • break down
  • collapsed
  • come a cropper
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • decline
  • decrease
  • die down
  • die out
  • dim
  • diminish
  • drop
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • fade
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall flat
  • fall off
  • fall through
  • fallen flat
  • fizzle
  • flamed out
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • forget
  • give up
  • laid an egg
  • lessen
  • miscarried
  • misfire
  • missed
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • reduce
  • shorten
  • shrink
  • shrivel
  • slacken
  • squander
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • subside
  • suffer
  • surrender
  • taper off
  • wane
  • washed out
  • waste
  • weaken
  • wither


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