
The word “fake” has 1 syllable: fake.

It's pronounced as /feɪk/.

What is synonym and antonym for fake?

In the thesaurus, “fake” has 55 synonyms and 34 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fake along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fake

  • affected
  • artificial
  • assume
  • bogus
  • concoct
  • counterfeit
  • deception
  • devise
  • dodge
  • double
  • dummy
  • evade
  • exaggerated
  • fabricate
  • fabricated
  • fabrication
  • fake out
  • faker
  • false
  • faux
  • feign
  • fictitious
  • forge
  • forged
  • forgery
  • fraud
  • fraudulent
  • hoax
  • hollow
  • imitation
  • imposter
  • impostor
  • improvise
  • lip
  • manufacture
  • meaningless
  • mechanical
  • mock
  • phoney
  • phony
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretender
  • pseudo
  • put on
  • scam
  • sham
  • simulate
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • strained
  • superficial
  • synthetic
  • trick
  • unnatural

Antonyms for fake

  • ace
  • actual
  • adept
  • arrange
  • artless
  • authentic
  • authority
  • bona fide
  • candid
  • consider
  • expert
  • genuine
  • heartfelt
  • honest
  • lay
  • maestro
  • master
  • natural
  • original
  • past master
  • prepare
  • professional
  • ready
  • real
  • realistic
  • right
  • sincere
  • spontaneous
  • study
  • true
  • unaffected
  • virtuoso
  • whiz
  • wizard

Meanings of fake

  • noun
    1. Something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently.
    2. A trick; a swindle.
    3. A move meant to deceive an opposing player, used for gaining advantage for example when dribbling an opponent.
    4. One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn or coil.
  • verb
    1. To cheat; to swindle; to steal; to rob.
    2. To modify fraudulently, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is.
    3. To make a counterfeit, to counterfeit, to forge, to falsify.
    4. To make a false display of, to affect, to feign, to simulate.
    5. To coil (a rope, line, or hawser), by winding alternately in opposite directions, in layers usually of zigzag or figure of eight form, to prevent twisting when running out.
  • adjective
    1. Not real; false, fraudulent.
    2. (of people) Insincere.

Example Sentences

  • She quickly identified the fake designer handbag among the authentic ones.
  • The company implemented strict measures to prevent the sale of fake products.
  • His smile seemed forced, as if he were wearing a fake expression of happiness.
  • The detective uncovered evidence of fake identities used by the criminal organization.
  • Online shoppers should be cautious of fake websites selling counterfeit goods.

On this page you'll find 89 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fake, such as: ace, actual, adept, affected, arrange, artificial, artless.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words


  • double
  • fake
  • hollow
  • hypocritical
  • insincere
  • lip
  • meaningless
  • phoney
  • pretended
  • sarcastic
  • strained
  • superficial


  • assemble
  • build
  • concoct
  • construct
  • contrive
  • counterfeit
  • create
  • devise
  • dream up
  • fake
  • formulate
  • fudge
  • invent
  • lie
  • make
  • manufacture
  • misrepresent
  • produce
  • trump up


  • assemble
  • assembles
  • builds
  • concoct
  • concocts
  • construct
  • constructs
  • contrive
  • counterfeit
  • creates
  • devises
  • dream up
  • erects
  • fake
  • formulate
  • fudge
  • invent
  • invents
  • lies
  • makes
  • manufactures
  • misrepresent
  • produces
  • trump up


  • artificial
  • dummy
  • exaggerated
  • fake
  • false
  • faux
  • imitation
  • imitative
  • mechanical
  • mock
  • pseudo
  • simulated
  • spurious
  • strained
  • synthetic
  • unnatural

fake out

  • deceive
  • evade
  • fake
  • fool
  • string along
  • suck in
  • trick

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