fall off

The phrase “fall off” has 2 syllables: fall off.

It's pronounced as /fɔːl ɒf/.

What is synonym and antonym for fall off?

In the thesaurus, “fall off” has 6 synonyms and 9 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for fall off along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for fall off

  • curve
  • decline
  • decrease
  • dent
  • drop
  • reduction

Antonyms for fall off

  • addition
  • boost
  • enlargement
  • gain
  • increase
  • increment
  • raise
  • rise
  • straighten

Meanings of fall off

  • verb
    1. To become detached or to drop from.
    2. To diminish in size, value, etc.
    3. To change the direction of the sail so as to point in a direction that is more down wind; to bring the bow leeward.

Example Sentences

  • Be careful not to fall off the ladder while you're cleaning the gutters.
  • The leaves started to fall off the trees as autumn approached.
  • If you don't maintain your fitness routine, you may notice your stamina start to fall off.
  • The paint on the old house began to fall off in flakes, revealing the weathered wood underneath.
  • I've noticed that the quality of his work tends to fall off when he's under a lot of stress.

On this page you'll find 15 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to fall off, such as: addition, boost, curve, decline, decrease, dent, drop.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

fallen short

  • abate
  • abort
  • atrophy
  • backfire
  • break down
  • collapsed
  • come a cropper
  • come apart
  • come to grief
  • come up empty
  • decline
  • decrease
  • die down
  • die out
  • dim
  • diminish
  • drop
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ebb
  • fade
  • fail
  • failed
  • fall
  • fall flat
  • fall off
  • fall through
  • fallen flat
  • fizzle
  • flamed out
  • flop
  • flopped
  • fold
  • forget
  • give up
  • laid an egg
  • lessen
  • miscarried
  • misfire
  • missed
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • reduce
  • shorten
  • shrink
  • shrivel
  • slacken
  • squander
  • stalled
  • stricken out
  • struck out
  • struggled
  • subside
  • suffer
  • surrender
  • taper off
  • wane
  • washed out
  • waste
  • weaken
  • wither

falls away

  • abate
  • cave in
  • consume
  • decline
  • declines
  • decrease
  • decreases
  • defer
  • degenerate
  • deteriorate
  • die down
  • die out
  • diminish
  • diminishes
  • dip
  • drop off
  • dwindle
  • ease off
  • ebb
  • fall back
  • fall off
  • falls
  • languish
  • lessen
  • melt
  • narrow
  • peter out
  • recede
  • reduce
  • revert
  • sag
  • shrink
  • sink
  • slacken
  • slide
  • slip
  • slump
  • subsides
  • tapers off
  • wane
  • weaken
  • wilt


  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bummed
  • chilled
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallied
  • dawdle
  • dawdled
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • droned
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kicked back
  • kill
  • killed time
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazed
  • lazied
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingered
  • loafed
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolled
  • lounge
  • lounged
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • played
  • poked
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxed
  • remain
  • rested
  • restrain
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolled
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste


  • amble
  • breathe
  • brood
  • bums
  • chills
  • clog
  • consume
  • dallies
  • dawdle
  • dawdles
  • decrease
  • devote
  • diminish
  • dissipate
  • drag
  • drift
  • employ
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fester
  • go
  • hibernate
  • idle
  • kill
  • languish
  • lavish
  • laze
  • lazes
  • lean
  • lie down
  • linger
  • lingers
  • loafs
  • lock up
  • loiter
  • loll
  • lolls
  • lounge
  • lounges
  • misspend
  • mosey
  • mucks
  • plays
  • pokes
  • procrastinate
  • put in
  • ramble
  • recline
  • relax
  • relaxes
  • remain
  • restrain
  • rests
  • saunter
  • shackle
  • sit down
  • slacken
  • slouch
  • slow
  • sprawl
  • squander
  • stall
  • stand still
  • stay
  • stick around
  • stretch out
  • strolls
  • sulk
  • tie up
  • trail
  • traipse
  • wait
  • wane
  • waste


  • clot
  • coagulating
  • condense
  • congeal
  • crystallize
  • curdle
  • decrease
  • diminish
  • fail
  • fall off
  • falter
  • fix
  • freezing
  • gelatinizing
  • gelling
  • jelling
  • materialize
  • reinforce
  • slacken
  • slow
  • solidify
  • stabilize
  • stiffening
  • strengthen
  • swell
  • thicken
  • trail
  • wane

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