falls flat

The phrase “falls flat” has 2 syllables: falls flat.

It's pronounced as /fɔːlz flæt/.

What is synonym and antonym for falls flat?

In the thesaurus, “falls flat” has 45 synonyms and 16 antonyms.

Here are synonyms and antonyms for falls flat along with examples of usage in sentences.

Synonyms for falls flat

  • abort
  • backfire
  • baffle
  • bombs
  • break down
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collapses
  • collide
  • come apart
  • deceive
  • decline
  • disconcert
  • disenchant
  • dishearten
  • disillusion
  • dissatisfy
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • dumbfound
  • fail
  • fails
  • fall
  • fall through
  • falls short
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • flops
  • fold
  • folds
  • hamper
  • hurtle
  • lays an egg
  • meet
  • misfire
  • mislead
  • misses
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • struggles
  • topple
  • tumble

Antonyms for falls flat

  • aid
  • ascend
  • assist
  • clicks
  • comes off
  • delivers
  • encourage
  • explain
  • go up
  • goes
  • goes over
  • help
  • prevails
  • rise
  • succeeds
  • works out

Example Sentences

  • His attempt at humor falls flat when nobody laughs at his joke.
  • The new advertising campaign falls flat with consumers, failing to generate interest in the product.
  • Despite his enthusiasm, his performance falls flat due to lack of preparation.
  • The singer's attempt to hit the high note falls flat, disappointing the audience.
  • The company's attempt to rebrand falls flat as customers remain loyal to the original brand.

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, or another words to falls flat, such as: abort, aid, ascend, assist, backfire, baffle, bombs.

Make sure to choose synonyms and antonyms that are appropriate for the context of the sentence.

Related Words

falls short

  • bombs
  • collapses
  • comes to grief
  • fails
  • falls flat
  • flops
  • folds
  • lays an egg
  • misses
  • strikes out
  • struggles

Word List